How to Add and Remove Images in ePUB?

Chris Harris
5 min readMar 19, 2024


Adding images to an ePUB can enhance the reading experience by providing visual context and engaging readers on a deeper level. Whether you’re creating a cookbook or an instructional guide, integrating images effectively can make your eBook more compelling and enjoyable. In this guide, we’ll explore why adding images is important, things to keep in mind when adding images, and step-by-step instructions on how to add and optimize images in your ePUB.

Image in ePUB

Why Add Images in ePUB

Images serve various purposes in an eBook, depending on the genre and content. They can illustrate concepts, enhance storytelling, provide visual instructions, or simply add aesthetic appeal. In cookbooks and children’s books, images play a crucial role in conveying information and capturing the reader’s attention. Even in text-heavy eBooks, images can break up long passages of text, making the content more digestible and engaging.

Things to Keep in Mind While Adding Images in ePUB

Before adding images to your ePUB, consider the following:

  1. Copyright Concerns: Ensure that you have the right to use the images you include in your eBook. Respect copyright laws and obtain permission or use royalty-free images to avoid legal issues.
  2. Image Resolution: Use high-resolution images to maintain quality, especially for eBooks intended for larger screens like tablets. However, be mindful of file size, as large images can increase the overall size of your ePUB.
  3. File Format: Stick to widely supported image formats like JPEG or PNG for compatibility across devices and eReader platforms.
  4. Placement: Strategically place images within your eBook to complement the text and enhance understanding. Avoid overcrowding pages with images, as it can overwhelm readers and disrupt the flow of the content.

How to Add Images to ePUB?

To effectively add images to your ePUB, you’ll need to understand the underlying structure of an ePUB file and how images are integrated into it. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add images to your ePUB:

Understand the ePUB Structure

Before adding images, familiarize yourself with the structure of an ePUB file. An ePUB is essentially a collection of HTML, CSS, and image files packaged together. Images are referenced within the HTML content using <img> tags.

Consider Fixed Layout vs. Reflowable ePUB:

Depending on the nature of your eBook, choose the appropriate ePUB format — fixed layout or reflowable. Fixed layout ePUBs are suitable for image-oriented books like cookbooks and children’s books, offering precise control over image placement. Reflowable ePUBs are more flexible and adapt to different screen sizes, making them ideal for text-heavy content.

Alpha eBook provides comprehensive Fixed Layout ePUB and Reflowable ePUB Conversion Services. Contact Alpha eBook to convert your PDF, InDesign, hard copies, or Word files to high-quality ePUB format.

Prepare Your Images

Ensure your images are in the appropriate format (JPEG or PNG) and resolution. High-resolution images are recommended for better quality, but be mindful of file size to avoid bloating your ePUB. Resize and optimize your images as needed before adding them to your eBook.

Insert Images in the HTML Content

Open the HTML file of your eBook using a text editor or eBook creation software. Identify the section of the HTML code where you want to insert the image. Use the <img> tag to insert the image, specifying the file path and any additional attributes such as width, height, and alt text.


<img src=“image.jpg” alt=“Description of the image” width=“300” height=“200”>

Specify Image Attributes

Provide descriptive alt text for each image to improve accessibility for visually impaired readers. Alt text should succinctly describe the content or purpose of the image. Additionally, you can specify the dimensions (width and height) of the image to control its display size within the eBook.

Save and Test Your eBook

Save the changes to your HTML file and compile your eBook. Test your eBook on various eReaders and devices to ensure that the images display correctly and maintain readability across different screen sizes.

Image Optimization Tips

Tips to optimize images for ePUB:

  1. Resize Images: Scale images to an appropriate size to fit the dimensions of your eBook without sacrificing quality or increasing file size unnecessarily.
  2. Compression: Compress images to reduce file size without significantly affecting quality. Use image editing software or online tools to optimize compression levels.
  3. Alternate Text: Include descriptive alternative text for images to enhance accessibility for visually impaired readers. This ensures that all readers can benefit from the content, regardless of their abilities.

How to Remove Images From ePUB?

Removing images from your ePUB involves editing the HTML source code of your eBook. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Open the HTML Source File

Locate the HTML file of your eBook using a text editor or eBook creation software. Open the file in the editor to access the source code.

Identify Image Tags

Scan through the HTML code to identify the <img> tags corresponding to the images you want to remove. Look for the file paths or URLs specified within the src attribute of each <img> tag.

Delete Image Tags

Once you’ve identified the image tags, delete the entire <img> tag, including its attributes, from the HTML code. Ensure that you remove all instances of the image tags you want to delete.

Save Changes and Compile eBook

Save the changes to your HTML file after removing the image tags. Compile your eBook using eBook creation software or tools to generate the updated ePUB file.

Test Your eBook

Test the updated ePUB on various eReaders and devices to verify that the images have been successfully removed and that the eBook maintains its formatting and readability without any glitches.


Adding images to your ePUB can elevate your eBook and enhance the reader’s experience. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this guide, you can effectively integrate images into your eBook, whether it’s a visually rich cookbook or a text-oriented instructional guide. Consider the nature of your content and choose the appropriate ePUB format. If you need assistance with ePUB conversion, consider professional services like Alpha eBook for Fixed Layout and Reflowable ePUB conversion, which can help bring your vision to life with precision and expertise.



Chris Harris

Expert Content Creator & Marketer in eBooks & BPO Industry!