“Job Creator” Elon Musk Has Fired Over 6000 Employees in the Last 4 Years, Some for Trying to Unionize

4 min readMar 25, 2024

Elon Musk has fired a significant number of employees across different instances. Specifically, Musk has fired over 6,000 people at Twitter since taking over the company, reducing the staff to around 1,500 employees. Additionally, Musk sacked around 3,700 Twitter employees in the first week of November after acquiring the company, and further layoffs followed, resulting in a substantial reduction in the workforce. Overall, considering these instances and others not explicitly mentioned in the provided sources, Elon Musk has fired thousands of employees across various companies and contexts.

Elon Musk, entrepreneur and CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, has made headlines not only for his technological innovations but also for his approach to managing employees. In recent years, Musk has been involved in several high-profile layoffs, particularly at Twitter, which he acquired. Let’s explore the impact of these firings and their implications.

