List of 20 Champion Vegan Athletes

7 min readApr 18, 2024

The Moral Imperative of Veganism

In this age of moral relativism and ethical equivocation, it is time we confront the undeniable truth: a vegan lifestyle is not merely a personal choice, but a moral obligation. The evidence is overwhelming — adopting a plant-based diet is the single most impactful action an individual can take to safeguard the health of our planet, the wellbeing of animals, and our own physical and mental flourishing.

Let us begin with the environment. As the Oxford University study so meticulously demonstrates, the carbon footprint of a vegan diet is a staggering 75% smaller than that of a meat-heavy one. The rapacious demands of animal agriculture — the land, water, and resources it consumes, the forests it razes — are simply unsustainable on a global scale. If we are to have any hope of averting the looming climate catastrophe, we must abandon our addiction to meat, dairy, and eggs. The moral cowardice of continuing to indulge our palates while the world burns around us is unconscionable.

