New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels

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3 min readOct 3, 2023


Low literacy levels among adults in the United States are a major concern, with 54% of adults aged 16–74 years old, or about 130 million people, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level[1][2][3][6]. This is a shocking number with significant implications for personal income, employment levels, health, and overall economic growth[1]. Let’s explore the reasons behind this issue, its impact on society, and potential solutions.

Reasons for Low Literacy Levels

Several factors contribute to low literacy levels among adults in the United States. Some of the most significant reasons include:

Poverty: Poverty is a significant factor in low literacy levels. Children from low-income families often lack access to books and other reading materials, which can hinder their reading development. Additionally, adults who grow up in poverty may not have had the opportunity to develop their reading skills, which can lead to low literacy levels in adulthood[6].

Lack of Education: Adults who did not complete high school or who dropped out of school are more likely to have low literacy levels. Without a high school diploma, many job opportunities are closed off, which can lead to poverty and a lack of access to resources that could help improve literacy…

