Since 1990 US Police Have Under Reported Crime Data to Give the Illusion of a Decrease In Crime

4 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

The Thin Blue Veil of Deception

It seems our guardians of law and order have been less than forthcoming when it comes to the true state of crime in this country. According to the data, nearly 3.4 million violent crimes per year go unreported to the police. And why, pray tell, are these heinous acts being swept under the rug? The answer, my friends, lies in the self-serving machinations of the boys in blue.

For years, we’ve been fed a steady diet of statistics purporting to show a decline in crime rates. But peel back the veneer, and you’ll find a rotten core of manipulation and obfuscation. The police, it would seem, have a vested interest in presenting a rosy picture of public safety — whether it be to secure higher budgets, curry favor with politicians, or simply massage their own fragile egos.

Take, for instance, the curious case of the New York City Police Department. In the early 2000s, there were allegations that the NYPD was systematically…

