Chris Kasanda
9 min readDec 2, 2022

Supplements For Brain Power — Natural Dietary Supplements That Can Help Boost Brain Power Safely and Enhance Your Memory Hands Down, Like Joe Rogan Proves.


Brain Power Supplements

Famous standup comedian, Joe Rogan is said to be on some brain power supplements. He is quoted by Home as having said: “I do everything that I can to put my body and my brain in a good place so I’m keeping my engine smooth. I’m changing my oil, I’m changing my spark plugs and I’m making sure that it’s operating. It’s not going to be perfect but I know that I’ve done my best to keep it operating to the best it can.”

To live up to his health and fitness regimen, Rogan reportedly takes AlphaBrain, an Onnit Supplement, which according to is a stimulant-free nootropic designed to support memory, focus and concentration, as part of his dietary program. His ability to crank tons of his work output in a single session seems to prove there’s something good about what he consumes.

For the purpose of this article, we can say there is something about the brain power supplements Joe Rogan uses. Hence the enhancement of the quality of our lives calls us to give some attention to the brain power vitality which comes by the use of brain power supplements available and helping people around the world.

Do Brain Power Supplements Work?

Would it not be great if you could just pop a pill and remember everything for an exam? Realistically, there are no supplements that can boost your brain power to such astounding levels. But, studies have shown that regular intake of certain supplements for brain health increases the ability to memorize. There are many herbs, brain power boosting supplements and foods that can improve your brain; the effect of which can mean improvement of memory, learning, concentration, attention, reasoning, social skills, decision making, and focus. If you can combine these brain foods with sufficient rest and exercise, you will have boosted your brainpower in no time.

The brain requires a variety of nutrients to produce neurotransmitters.

These are substances that control mood, behavior, and mind. Studies have proved beyond doubt that nutritional supplements for brain function increase IQ and enhance learning ability. Smart nutrients (cognitive enhancing supplements) are natural substances that improve human intelligence. Hence we recommend natural supplements to boost brain power. So, what are the best brain power supplements?

Ginkgo Biloba

This substance has been used for thousands of years in Eastern cultures and is perhaps the most well-known of all memory enhancing herbs. It works by diluting the blood vessels in the brain and enhancing blood flow to the brain; thus supplying lots of oxygen to the brain. It also gets rid of harmful free radicals that damage brain cells. However, the results are not immediate. Taking the supplement continuously for a few weeks will start yielding results.

Green Tea and Black Tea

Recent research has shown that these common constituents of the kitchen are very effective in combating the dreaded Alzheimers disease. The most significant result seems to be that these prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine. This is a key chemical involved with memory and is lacking in Alzheimers patients. The effect of green tea is more lasting than that of black tea, which lasts only for a day.

Sage and Rosemary

A recent study shows that students who took sage performed better at a memory recall test. Scientists believe that sage contains substances that may increase levels of a chemical that transmits messages to the brain. Rosemary also helps stimulate the memory and alleviate mental fatigue. It also strengthens mental clarity. How exactly these substances help the brain remains ambiguous.

What Vitamins Are Good For Brain Power?

A healthy diet should provide you with all the vitamins that are needed by the

body. But at times of stress and fatigue, the body gets depleted of Vitamin B. This deficiency prevents the functioning of acetylcholine. Vitamin B also helps carry oxygen to the brain and this does away with harmful free radicals. Some natural foods like liver, eggs, soybeans, lentils, and green beans are rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B Supplements also help to boost the level of these vital vitamins in the body. Hence, vitamin supplements for brain power may be considered where food is inadequate on vitamin B.

Iron deficiency

The most common deficiency in most parts of the world is linked to iron deficiency. Poor concentration, diminished intelligence, and a short attention span are all attributed to iron deficiency. Iron helps carry oxygen to the blood and its deficiency leaves the brain sadly lacking in oxygen. Iron deficiency can be detected by a simple blood test. Iron-rich food like lean meat, beans, iron-fortified cereals, and iron supplements help raise the levels of iron. But absorption of iron becomes possible only in the presence of vitamin C. Garnishing iron-rich food with lime juice is one of the most effective and natural ways to ingest Vitamin C with iron.

Brain Supplements and Water

Water is an often overlooked but important necessity of the brain and must be taken in good quantities alongside your brain power supplements. The brain is 70% water, and a dehydrated brain works at a slower pace. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the brain hydrated with plenty of water. Eight glasses of water per day is recommended.

Latest Break Through!

Helps People Keep Their Memory and Boost Intelligence!

Product Overview

Memory loss really hits home. It’s both sad and lonely — to say nothing of the decrease in productivity at work and the effects on family and friends. But with BrainPill, you can:

Prevent Your Brain From Slowing Down And Switching Off

Today’s fast-paced and hyper-productive world puts more demands on our brains than our grandparents, and even our parents ever experienced. In this ultra-competitive new digital age, “average work” is unacceptable and even “good work” just isn’t enough. This causes your stress and anxiety to shoot through the roof, no matter what field of work you’re in, but here’s the good news:

BrainPill gives you a reliable option for sustained mental performance. Now you won’t have to worry about that dreaded mid-day crash because

BrainPill was specifically formulated to give you:

Get Sustainable Cognitive Endurance Throughout Your Day

BrainPill was designed to address that, with a series of clinically studied natural nootropics that help clients:

Boost Memory

Increase Cognitive Skills

Have Faster Recall of Facts

Focus Better

Enhance Brain Power

Perform Under Pressure

Have Better Problem-Solving Skills

Eliminate Brain Fog and More

Helps You Stay On Top of Your Game by Optimizing Your Brain

Quicker thinking, lightning fast memory recall and improved critical Thinking and Decisions are all part of the remarkable results that have been evidenced among users of this natural brain food.

Hence it is highly recommend as one of the proven brain supplements for students, professionals — anyone who wants or needs their memory and related cognitive skills to be better and is looking for “brain supplements for studying”.

It’s your ‘unfair advantage’ because very few know about it yet, though its popularity is increasing exponentially.

No Need For Prescription

BrainPill Is Doctor endorsed and clinically proven to energize your brain, hence it’s one of those natural supplements where you need no prescription to purchase it.

Product Format

Each box has 60 capsules and should last a month. Recommended dosage is two capsules; once in the morning and again in the afternoon.

Target Audience

Men and women 21+, including students, professionals, and people who want to protect their memory as they get older.

Thus far if your question is still “what supplements should I take to increase brain power?” well, I would suggest you speak to your doctor or health provider or keep researching on brain health supplements.

The Magic Touch Of Exercise

Whatever your life’s endeavors, there is no brain power food, medicine, drink or supplement that can replace the need for body exercise. While BrainPill shows remarkable results even without expensive gym work outs, an addition of at least some mild exercise program would get you far. After all, the necessity of exercise is validated by the fact that it has a way of adding to long life.

Advantage On The Brain

Scientific evidence suggests that what affects the body affects the mind, and vice versa. When the body is sick, the mind may function poorly; and when the mind is sick even the body suffers. When both mind and body are sound, life rolls like a charm. And so, when your dear body is affected by lack of exercise, your brain may suffer too. And with the brain being the very center of your entire body functions, the need to maintain good brain power plus exercise is unquestionably of critical importance; just like the need for all other healthy lifestyle factors.

That explains the need for us to mind how we tend our physical health. But, sadly, many cherish health habits which in turn affect not only their physical capacity but also their mental capacity negatively. If we all had enough discipline to live healthy lifestyles, it would surprise the world what we are all capable of.

The fantastic benefits of the power effect of brain function supplements like BrainPill in the body must be balanced with physical activity, just like any ordinary food supplements or medicine must be accompanied by physical activity. You are doing yourself a lot of harm if you simply lead a life devoid of any physical exercise.

Why Is Exercise Important?

Exercise is important as it relieves of mental tensions and improves one’s confidence. Furthermore, it gives you a stronger body, sharper brains and a fulfilling sexual health experience. Research suggests that exercise can improve cognitive function, slow down mental aging and enhance mental performance. It also has a positive bearing on your muscle strength and body endurance as it works to improve your energy levels. In addition, a consistent physical activity program can reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s in older life and also arrest mental deterioration and memory loss.

It therefore follows that a good flow of BrainPill in your body, combined with at least mild exercises, can set you on a rock of high advantage in many ways only dreamt of by those without the necessary knowledge. Brain boosting supplements alone cannot really achieve your desired results. You can get a lot of help regarding exercise from our article Workouts Without Equipment on your way to a healthy mind in a healthy and fit body.

So, there you are! If you are disadvantaged due to low brain power, it is not the end of the road, whatever your age. You can overload your advantage and roll back into your favorite activities with remarkable pleasure as BrainPill has proven to work wonders. No need to attend brain power academy.

Let us Talk About It More

Do you know any brain power tablets that work? Any lessons to share regarding brain booster supplements you know? You are welcome to leave your comments below on this most important issue of our dear lives. You can also subscribe to enable notification of more upcoming posts of life enhancing value.

I share more on this and other such vital tips in my blog The Advantage Overload. Happy Reading!