PinnedPublished inHitachi Solutions BraintrustAzure Functions V2 Dependency Injection using .NET CoreLearn how to use Dependency Injection in Azure Functions V2 using .NET Core and C#Apr 12, 20194Apr 12, 20194
Store Arrays in Azure KeyVault using DevOps ARM TemplatesHow to store an array of values from your appsetting.json files in Azure KeyVault and do so using ARM Templates.Apr 21, 2020Apr 21, 2020
Published inHitachi Solutions BraintrustTop 3 Considerations BEFORE moving to Azure CloudLearn what Enterprises should take into consideration BEFORE moving to Azure Cloud.Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
Cosmos Triggered Azure Function V2 Database ConnectionLearn how to setup the correct Connection string to the Cosmos Instance when configuring your Cosmos Triggered Azure Function when using…Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019
Published inHitachi Solutions BraintrustUse KeyVault to Securely Store All Configuration Including Secrets for Azure Functions V2 and Web…Store Your Configuration To Cosmos, SQL Server, Storage Into KeyVaultJun 2, 2019Jun 2, 2019
3 Ways To Pass Microsoft 70–483 Exam C# programmingIn this article I will layout the exact approach and techniques I used to prepare for and successfully pass Microsoft 70–483 C#…Oct 15, 2018Oct 15, 2018