UFOs and Aliens: Secrets Hidden from the Public for Over 75 Years

Chris Manhattan
9 min readJul 27, 2023

Prelude: In 1899, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla conducted groundbreaking communication experiments in Colorado Springs, tapping into the full power of Earth’s magnetic field in hopes of making contact with advanced intelligence in space. In all accounts, Tesla was successful in his actions, which set the stage for covert government involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrial entities.

1. When humans started exploding atomic bombs, the energy from the explosions was sent out like a beacon into space. This led to a surge of UFOs and advanced beings coming here to investigate what is going on. That’s why so many UFO and flying saucer sightings were reported in the 1940s and 50s.

2. When UFOs started coming here, some of their spaceships crashed, and their flying saucers were recovered with aliens that were dead and some that were alive. In the 1940s and 50s, the government decided that this kind of UFO/Alien discovery was way too much for the public to handle. They thought that Americans (and the world) would totally freak out, cause chaos, and disrupt the world and government power if people found out UFOs/aliens existed. So, they decided to hide the truth about UFOs, flying saucers, and ETs from the public.



Chris Manhattan

BA, MA, MBA, PLC, Harvard, US Marine, Marine of the Year, CrossFitter.