The Andela Experience — More than just a Bootcamp

James Chika Chrismarcel
3 min readDec 6, 2018


A cross-section of Andela Bootcampers — Credits: Andela Kenya

The year is fast rounding up, pretty fast, but counting some of the most positive experiences I’ve had, the Andela Bootcamp experience is among top the list — tied in 1st place with my ALC 3. 0 experience (Also another experience with Andela). I’ve learnt new things, I’ve interacted with very amazing people, I have made mistakes, I have learnt from those mistakes. I have gotten feedback from amazing Learning Facilitators and mentors who also double as talented and world-class Software Developers.

The Andela Bootcamp is a rigorous and intense 2-week period where individuals who are aspiring to join the Andela fellowship are vetted. They are exposed to cutting edge technological concepts and tools, industry standard practices, and an amazing network of world class developers and mentors — Yours Truly

I wish my simple definition above could summarize how amazing the Andela Bootcamp is, but you see, we would just be scratching the surface with that definition. The Bootcamp experience is much more than that. You practically need to be in the Bootcamp to understand this feeling.

Ask anyone who had gone through Andela’s Bootcamp phase, you’d keep hearing statements like, ‘It was difficult’, ‘It was tasking’, ‘It was rigorous’, ‘’It was stressful, but one thing most of them fail to share is their Amazing Experience. Is the Bootcamp tough? Yes! Did I get less sleep during the Bootcamp? Definitely!! Was it tasking and difficult? Very!!! But was it amazing? Totally! Did I also get to learn a lot? Obviously!! Have my skills improved over the duration of the Bootcamp? Tremendously!!!

I’ve never seen an easy way to success, for Andela, it is a method for them to drill the Bootcampers and get the best of the very best. This is to ensure you are a great fit and that you meet their standards and core values. This is the only obvious reason why around 0.75% of about 70,000 applicants become Andela fellows after the Bootcamp. For us the Bootcampers, it is an avenue to polish ourselves, develop a growth mindset, grow the soft skills required to build a successful career in the Software Development industry.

During the Bootcamp, I’ve worked with really interesting technologies and software development concepts that has groomed me into gearing towards being a world-class developer. So all the sleepless night count, all the difficult and challenging times are very much justified, I’ve had a new and better perception of what being a Software Developer entails. Asides just working with Software Development tools, I have also written and published articles, I’ve also had the privilege of being mentored by the very best in the industry. I’ve understood that it takes more than just codes and crafting User Interfaces to become a world-class developer. You need to embody grit, passion, dedication, integrity, teamwork, collaboration and a whole lot of other soft skills.

I am not where I want to be currently which is on the world stage, being a rockstar Software Developer, but I believe I’ve taken a giant stride by participating in the Bootcamp. So you want to take a shot at being a rockstar developer too? What are you waiting for? Start Today.

