Chris McDonald
1 min readJan 7, 2017


Ok slow down.
The AI didn’t invent its own language nor did it get creativity. Saying that is like saying calculators are smart and one day they’ll take all the math teachers’ jobs.

What Google found was that their framework was working even better than they expected. That’s awesome because when you’re doing R&D you learn to expect things to fail rather than work perfectly.
How it’s workings that, through all the data it’s reading, it’s observing patterns in language. What they found is that if it knew English to Korean, and English to Japanese, it could actually get pretty good results translating Korean to Japanese (through the common ground of English).

The universal language, or the interlingua, is a not it’s own language per se. It’s the commonality found inbetween many languages. Psychologists have been talking about it for years. As matter of fact, this work is perhaps may be even more important to Linguistics and Psychology than it is to computer science.

We’ve already observed that swear words tend to be full of harsh sounds ( “p” “c” “k” and “t”) and sibilance (“S” and “f”) in almost any language. If you apply the phonetic sounds to the Google’s findings, psychologists could make accurate observations about which sounds tend to universally correlate to which concepts.

