The Best Three Podcasts to Become an Expert Product Manager

Chris Miles
8 min readMay 4, 2023
Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

We all love a list. Top songs, movies, takeaways, holiday destinations — we consume several lists every day. We’re numerical creatures, and I’ve come across a tonne (or ton, for my US readers) of lists of the best product content out there – whether it’s video, audio or the written word, there’s already a list for it.

However, the challenge with many of these is that they can be overwhelming. There might be people out there that can consume 50 recommendations and then follow through on all of them, but if there are, they’re the few.

I’ve decided to write a series of posts covering my top recommendations across podcasts, books, blogs, newsletters and even Miro templates.


In this post, let’s talk about those things that came back with a vengeance around 2014, a decade after they originally hit the scene. Podcasts.

The challenge here is that everyone has a podcast these days. I don’t like to use the word literally when I mean figuratively but I was tempted here.



Chris Miles

Product Leader, Manager and Occasional Writer. Views may or may not be my own.