A Letter to Elys

Chris Corvan
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Notes and Narratives Collection: Part 1

Dear Elys,

I find myself in a difficult place, and I hope these words can convey the depth of my feelings and seek your understanding. I truly need you to hear me out amidst the overwhelming silence that engulfs me. It feels like I am trapped in a nightmarish cycle where each day blends into the next, draining my spirit and leaving me exhausted.

This environment suffocates me, and I often feel like a pawn in a game whose rules I struggle to comprehend. The constant scrutiny and judgment from others wear me down, making me feel like a rat trapped in a maze, gradually losing my sense of self. My identity seems to fade away into obscurity.

Loneliness and isolation have become constant companions, replacing the warmth of human connection with an emptiness. The absence of love and compassion eats away at my spirit, leaving behind an ache that resonates deeply within me. I long for the touch of another soul, a kindred spirit with whom I can share my burdens. However, in this desolate realm, finding peace feels like a distant memory.

There are moments when I question my own sanity, when the line between reality and illusion blurs into shades of gray. I cling to fleeting glimpses of happiness, convincing myself that I am content in this desolation. But deep down, I know it is a façade, a fragile shield I’ve created to protect myself from the harsh truth.

In this personal purgatory, I carry a burden that feels unbearable. There are actions and thoughts I’ve kept hidden, sins etched upon my soul that I dare not speak of aloud. They haunt me relentlessly, serving as a reminder of the darkness that resides within. It is a torment from which I cannot escape, a penance I must endure.

As I write this letter, I’m uncertain if it will ever reach your hands. Yet, I hold onto the desperate hope that it somehow finds its way to you. Let my words serve as a testament to the profound suffering we, as humans, can endure silently. May they remind us of the fragility of our spirits and the profound impact that isolation and despair can have on our souls.

My heart longs for the day when I can break free from this purgatory, escaping the clutches of this twisted existence. Until then, I will hold onto the flickering ember of hope within my heart, praying for deliverance from this relentless cycle of despair.

Please remember me not as the broken being I have become, but as the person I once was. Keep the memory of our love alive, allowing it to serve as a guiding light during the darkest of nights. Hold me in your thoughts, and know that even amidst this desolation, my love for you remains unwavering.

With all the shattered pieces of my soul,




Chris Corvan

🇨🇦🍁 Native, ADHD guy. Interactive multimedia, gamer, dad. owner of the House of Void Productions. linktr.ee/thehouseofvoid