Navigating the Tax Maze: Smart Strategies for Fund Investors

Chris Peden
3 min readApr 27, 2024
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Are you diving into the world of funds, hoping to make the most of your investments while keeping those pesky taxes at bay? Well, you’re in the right place. Let’s break down some savvy strategies my clients have used that can help you save money on your taxes when buying and selling funds in taxable accounts.

1. Mastering the Art of Turnover

First things first, let’s talk turnover. Think of turnover as the frequency with which the assets in a fund are bought or sold. High turnover can eat into your profits because with each sale comes a potential tax implication. Here’s a tip: avoid frequent trading. Instead, opt for a long-term strategy. If you find yourself with a dud investment, it’s okay to cut your losses. And here’s a pro-tip: consider tax swaps. This strategy involves selling an underperforming fund and immediately buying a similar one, thereby realizing a loss on paper while keeping your investment strategy intact.

2. The Pitfalls of “Buying the Dividend”

Picture this: a fund accumulates gains throughout the year and decides to distribute them to shareholders. If you purchase shares right before this distribution, you’re on the hook for the tax on those gains — even if you didn’t benefit from them! To avoid this, be mindful of the fund’s distribution…



Chris Peden

I am an Autism dad who helps people make sense of their financials and taxes, grow their profits, & decrease their taxes. Contact me at