How To Hack The Two Party System

Chris Scharff
1 min readOct 26, 2016

On Tuesday November 8th our country will decide the next President of the United States. Early voting is underway in many states. Are you a 3rd Party Candidate supporter? If so, then here’s a simple way for you to make your voice more powerful than thousands of those who don’t consider a 3rd Party Candidate to be viable in your community. Best of all, it’s completely legal.


Yep. That’s it. Go to the polls and vote for your candidate. This year thousands of Republicans and Democrats in your state will do a lot of talking, but won’t do any walking. By showing up at the polls your single vote will be a more powerful deciding influence in the presidential race than the millions of those who pay lip service to politics across the country but don’t bother to show up and vote.

Your vote matters.


Trump Supporters — Want to make your vote more powerful than millions of liberals? Read this.

Liberals — Want to make your vote more powerful than millions of Trump supporters? Read this.

Vladimir Putin — Want to make your vote more powerful than millions of Americans? Too bad jackass, this is America.



Chris Scharff

Product Manager and technologist specializing in highly scalable SaaS solutions. Passionate about attacking and solving complex problems and helping customers.