What is business consulting, types and areas of expertise

7 min readDec 28, 2021

One of the professional paths for those who have affinity with administrative areas, business insights and strategic market vision is Business Consultant in UAE. Fierce competitiveness, technological advances and constant changes in the economic scenario make companies run against time and behind their goals and targets.

Often, despite having a good strategic plan, companies are unable to achieve the expected results. In this context, the business consultant, to help them overcome obstacles, get out of the red and have an optimistic outlook ahead.

If you are interested in this area, you will like to know that aaa-cas has a consultancy course that gives an overview of this career, area of ​​activity and content to be learned. This option in qualification is the subject of this article.

Find out more by following our topics on topics included in the course and learn about other options in online courses with certificates that complement learning in organizational consultancy.

What is business consulting?

Business consulting is a practice that helps organizations to identify problems and find solutions for areas of the company or a specific process. One of its objectives is to establish a more competitive and agile management, providing improvements to the company’s productivity. The organizational consulting can put a business at another level, and add value to it.

This practice is carried out by a business consultant , who collects information, to then develop and implement a business planning with an action plan aimed at meeting the client’s needs.

See what a business consultancy can do for a business:

- Putting finances in order;

- Manage financial crises, as well as those of the organization’s image;

- Boost the company’s productivity;

- Point out bottlenecks and failures in processes;

- Create strategies to increase revenue and decrease expenses.

Types of business consulting

In this topic of the Online Business Consulting Course , you will learn about four types of consultancy and learn what each of them can do for a business.

1. Business Management Consulting

In a dynamic, and mainly unstable, economic scenario, businesses are undergoing constant transformations. Thus, managers need to have a strategic vision and find solutions to face the daily challenges and overcome possible damage or losses to the business.

In this context, the role of the business management consultant is extremely important, as he is the professional who helps companies find ways to identify opportunities for improvement and growth.

2. Financial Consulting

The most sensitive part of a business is that of finance. That is why it needs special attention, as the survival of an organization depends on it.

The hiring of a business consultant is indicated for companies that have serious liquidity problems or that are unable to get out of the red. There are also those that cannot find ways to save resources to invest in their growth.

The financial adviser has the role of developing internal policies and actions to organize, plan and control the company’s financial activities. These activities are developed through strategic financial planning.

3. Marketing Consulting

This is the business plan most sought after by organizations that have their field of activity in the commercial area. Usually the hiring of marketing consultancy happens when sales are not as planned.

The consultant will make a business diagnosis so that he can understand the factors that interfere with sales goals. Based on what he collects information, a marketing plan will be developed, with actions aimed at solving the problems identified by the consultant.

Another function of the marketing consultancy is to work to give visibility to companies that want to be recognized or to establish their identity in the market.

4. Human Resources Consulting

Companies are made by people — this is the most used phrase to emphasize the importance of human capital for organizations. For this reason, business consultancy directed to human resources takes the HR consultant to be necessary to identify and understand the demands of employees and competencies in corporations.

The consultant will perform his / her role on questions such as:

- Does the company really need to hire?

- Will there be layoffs? Are they really necessary?

- Is it time to invest in training, workshops or online courses for the team?

- What else can be done to improve employee performance?

With this type of questioning, the consulting professional will find answers to elaborate a business diagnosis and from there define actions.

As you can see, consulting is important in several areas of an organization. Therefore, investing in online courses in this segment will bring good results for your professional career.

The good thing is that here on the portal you can increase the knowledge acquired by doing online courses with certificate that complement the contents of organizational consultancy , such as marketing plan, strategic planning and others.

What does a business consultant do?

Considering that entrepreneurs usually only hire a consultant in cases of serious problems , we can say that the role of a business consultant is “to save the company”.

This professional provides administrative services to organizations, using tools such as the business diagnostics, process analysis, action development and strategic planning, in order to find alternatives that solve the organization’s problems.

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The consultant’s job is to analyze all aspects of organization, positive or negative, to then outline a plan and help in decision making.

The organizational consultancy will make an analysis of the company’s objectives and the economic context, and from there it suggests the actions that will direct the organization in search of the results that it intends to achieve.

There is a good market for this professional, especially among new ventures. Anyone new to the industry usually doesn’t have an in-depth understanding of business, so the consultant contributes with global procedure quality in customer service, cost reduction, etc.

A consultant can also specialize and become an expert in a single segment, such as the technology e-commerce market, for example. For older and more traditional organizations, a consultant can take a different look and find flaws that go unnoticed or even discover new market opportunities.

Many entrepreneurs are still reluctant to hiring a business consultancy, and do not know what they could be winning. With the advice, experience, strategies and technical knowledge, the consultant can improve the processes of the enterprise in order to be successful in the business.

Given the importance of the work of a business consultant, how about betting on your future and enrolling in the Online Business Consultant in Dubai? In addition to this, other options can enrich your curriculum and complement the consultancy content, such as those of strategic planning, human Resources and marketing plan.

Business consulting areas

Business consultancy has a wide field of action, for each type of client’s need. We see several of them in our consultancy course and here we list some of them so that you have an idea of ​​the scope of a consultancy.

Are they:

Structuring and organization

Its main objective is to align team actions and processes with the organization’s strategy. Making these processes well defined and more efficient, together with good cost control, helps to compose a management structure that allows the achievement of strategic objectives, as well as results in better business results. A good restructuring and reorganization promotes an increase in the efficiency of organizations, with significant improvements in productivity.

Business strategy

It analyzes the environment in which the enterprise is inserted and outlines strategies for its development and growth. Its objectives are:

Identification of opportunities and creation of tactics for entering new markets, as well as for expanding the current market.

Planning and structuring of organizational development;

Alignment of the organization’s strategy with its support and business areas;

Creation of a visual representation of the tactics (strategic map) with the causes and effects among the company’s objectives.

People management

At this point of action of business consulting people management policies are aligned with the organizational strategy. This work is done directly with the managers, in order to obtain the best performance from the employees, involving them in the growth and development of the organization.

What else can this consultancy help:

· Leadership development, pointing to potential future leaders;

· Deepen employees’ knowledge of the organizational climate;

· Focus on improving the use of human resources, according to their skills and abilities.

Market intelligence

How to take advantage of new market opportunities? How to make strategic decisions? The answers to these questions can be provided by a business consultancy focused on the analysis and Market intelligence.

Through research and economic feasibility studies, it is possible to obtain consistent information that helps to reduce risks, identify threats and opportunities and, as a result, increase the company’s chances of success.

Modalities of business consultancy

In addition to the types and areas of expertise, the consultancy can also be classified by modality, which can be internal or external.

Internal consultancy is an advance in management models. The consultant is part of the staff and is familiar with the company’s values ​​and objectives. Its function is to direct it to the continuous improvement.

By adopting an internal consultancy, the organization intends to develop new organizational skills in order to better take advantage of the opportunities that the environment provides. But before implementing it, you must balance and be aware of what can work and what can become an obstacle.

An example of this is to have as a positive point the advantage of the consultant knowing a lot about the processes, as well as the organizational culture and the business itself. As a negative point weighs the fact that it is part of the company’s routine and therefore does not pay much attention to the news and impacts of changes that can affect the organization.

The external consultancy establishes the relationship between the consultant and the client with a duration and without employment. This type of consultancy is contracted when the organization does not have time to consolidate important projects for organizational development.

In situations where there is something wrong compromising the growth of the business, an outside view works better than an internal one. This is the great differential of external consultancy, neutral and impartial opinion.

In this modality, the consultant sees the threats and opportunities from a different perspective, in addition to his advice being more receptive by the organization, in relation to an internal consultancy. From an external perspective, even business planning is more likely to be more efficient and effective.

However, there is no way to say which of the two models is the most suitable. This will depend a lot on what the corporation needs, on the decision of its management and managers and also on how much it intends to invest in consultancy.

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