Biggest Fan

A poem

Chrissy Shaw
1 min readJan 15, 2020
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

How does one end

The “less than” cycle?

How does one

Break free?

So deeply engrained,

It influences every thing

One does, says, thinks

Do you have to go back

-all the way back

And find where it first came from?

Conflicting advice, not sure what to do

Shouldn’t the past just stay there?

You cannot heal that which you’re not aware

And so, they say,

The first step is acknowledging

But, it doesn’t all just flow smoothly from there

A long, hard battle

Fought going uphill

To try to make sense of it all

That feeling that you really are somehow less than

Not as good

Not as smart, funny, serious, clever, wise, pretty, strong, kind, tough, nice, skinny, tall, dressed, educated, accomplished.

Whom have we decided we need

To answer to?

We all know the saying

We are are our own worst enemies

The critical voice so devastating and cruel

We treat ourselves worse

Than our biggest foe

How do we change this

So our children can grow

Not hating themselves

But loving instead?

How can we show them to be their own

Biggest fan?



Chrissy Shaw

Published by The Ascent; Dreamer. Constant ponderer. Investigating how to live my best life; sharing my findings so others can, too.