What Is Digital Forensics, and Why Should You Care?

Christa Miller
7 min readJun 5, 2023

I was going to use my Medium platform to write about neurodivergence. Then a niche subset of digital technology (re)captured my attention. Here’s why.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

After I wrote my “Best of 2019” essay “Hacking My ADHD,” I fully intended to write more consistently about neurodivergence. I even founded a second publication, which was going to be devoted to freelancing while neurodivergent.

Then my marriage ended. I deleted the posts and the publication, and wrote nothing at all about my ADHD.

The reason: I was afraid being “out and proud” about my executive dysfunction, emotional flooding, and filterless brain (among other traits) would impact child custody decisions.

Never mind the creativity that comes along with ADHD; the unique capacity it gives me to pull together multiple threads into a cohesive package. Or that I was writing to help other ADHD’ers, including my own children, to embrace parts of themselves that are so often shamed.

No, I gave into the shame. I defined my career by what “the system” would think of me.

It wasn’t that my attorney had told me outright that my ADHD traits could be a liability. I extrapolated that from things she had already told me. She was very risk-averse. I’d grown up risk-averse. I wore it like a second…



Christa Miller

Writer / editor / researcher of journalism & essays. Recovering marketer. Introverted ADHD mom. Raccoon stan. Support my work: https://ko-fi.com/christammiller