Life after school bullying

Reality changes

Christel Mesey
4 min readOct 31, 2018

Nowadays, we often talk about bullying. For those who lived through it, it’s a pretty traumatic experience that has several facets. Shame, at first. That of not being able to be appreciated by one’s classmates and that of not daring to speak about it for fear that the ‘rejection disease’ grows further.

Powerlessness, because we do not know why, all of a sudden, our world has collapsed and we cannot change anything. Finally, rejection, and this type is very violent, because when it’s a class that ignores a person, pushes her, insults her, even uses more aggressive gestures, it is no longer the rejection of a person but that of the society in which we will live in for a year or more.

I experienced this situation when I was twelve, while some thought I was aggressive or antisocial, I was actually quite destroyed inside. From these insults I developed in adolescence a savage and warlike character to protect me. But inside of me, it was quite a different story. A deep tear was created in my universe. Over the course of the day and jostling for a year, every human became a potential threat. There was no goodwill, a hello would inevitably end in mockery or insult, unfortunately even from teachers who followed the same energy without realizing it.



Christel Mesey

From self-discovery to self-recovery. An Indiana Jones with heels hunting for the treasures of self awareness and joy.