My Journey Within: The Unseen Path to Self-Realization

Christopher Farah
5 min readNov 22, 2023


It’s hard to define my writing — is it a blog or a digital diary? It’s a question I’ve pondered as I sit on my living room floor, finally acting on a desire that’s been growing within me for the past year. This period has seen me harbor a deep interest in collecting my thoughts into written words, leading to the realization that I should start my own Medium page. So, here I am, embarking on this new journey. This platform will serve as a canvas for my life experiences, technical insights, philosophical musings, and a plethora of other random topics that encapsulate the ceaseless activity and inherent chaos of my mind.

In this series of articles, I find myself reflecting on a journey — not one measured in miles traversed, but in self-discovery and introspection. I’m eager to share the beginning of a story, my story, about how my perspective on life pushed me to look inward, prompting me to delve deep within myself to gain a better understanding of who I am, and to acknowledge the profound impact of this introspection on my perception of life.

Over the past several years, I’ve been tirelessly striving to advance my professional career and construct the future I’ve always envisioned. I’ve been working hard to make everyone proud, to prove to myself amidst life’s uncertainties that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. My younger self would have found it hard to believe that I could reach the stage I’m at now. I won’t go into the specifics, but my dreams have consistently exceeded my current circumstances. I was always living in the future, jumping from one challenge to the next, determined to prove myself regardless of the obstacles. Since the beginning of my adulthood, I’ve set ambitious goals. While I wasn’t sure how to accomplish them, I always trusted the voice of my inner child, which constantly reassured me that I could achieve anything if I dedicated myself and simply trusted the journey.

My experience may not seem particularly remarkable or relevant to some, but at the very least, it’s an experience that has molded me into the man I am today. This mindset was incredibly effective at propelling me forward and crafting a vision for my life that surpassed any constraints.

However, each time, I would invariably reach a point where I’d think, “Is this all there is? There must be something bigger to earn,” and continue my relentless pursuit of the next challenge.

During each phase, when I achieved the goal I’d set my sights on for months, I never felt satisfied. I was always on the lookout for the next challenge. Even when I was receiving felicitations or awards to celebrate my successes, I wasn’t fully present in the moment. I was always envisioning future achievements, and once I attained them, it felt as though I’d already experienced them in the past. I was so focused on the future that I neglected the present moment.

I started to question what in life would make me satisfied. I often thought that maybe a new degree or a certain income level would bring me peace and contentment. However, I discovered that neither professional achievements, nor an improved financial status, nor any materialistic acquisitions could make me satisfied. Even though everything from the outside looking in appeared to be well in place, amidst these external accomplishments, I found myself in a constant state of seeking, unsure of what I was actually looking for. I spent years in relentless pursuit, trying to prove my worth, striving to make everyone around me proud and content, looking for gratification. Yet, in this whirlwind of activity, I was ignoring the most important element of my life: myself.

In our fast-paced world, we often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, forgetting to pause and listen to our inner selves. We become spectators in our own lives, oblivious to the profound insights that lie within us. This blog post aims to start a new series of articles that shed light on my experience of realizing the importance of introspection, the dangers of ignoring our inner selves, and the transformative power of understanding our subconscious minds.

Many people are blind to their true selves, their desires, their fears, and their potential. We are all, in a way, blind to ourselves. This blindness often stems from a lack of introspection, an unwillingness, or perhaps an inability, to delve into the depths of our minds and hearts. We are so engrossed in our external lives that we overlook the internal world that shapes our perceptions, decisions, and actions.

I then found myself blind to my inner self, my desires, my fears, and my weaknesses. My subconscious mind, a vast ocean filled with past experiences and traumas, was silently steering the course of my life. I was oblivious to its influence, living life on autopilot, unaware of the unseen forces shaping my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

It was during a particularly mentally challenging period that I was pushed to confront my inner self. The difficulties I faced acted as a catalyst, forcing me to pause, reflect, and delve into the depths of my psyche. This was the beginning of my journey into introspection, a non-stop journey that is defining my perception of life and myself.

As I started to listen to my inner self and understand my subconscious mind, I began to see the way my mind influenced my present. I saw how past experiences and upbringing were shaping my perceptions, behaviors, and responses. This understanding was essential. I realized that my happiness, fulfillment, and peace should not be dependent on any external circumstances but on my internal state of being.

I find myself at the start of my journey of introspection, a journey of continual process, an ongoing exploration of the self. It’s not a destination, but a path of constant growth, understanding, and self-improvement. It’s about peeling back the layers of my psyche, one layer at a time, and discovering the depths of my being.

Through this process, I’ve started to see life differently. I see myself not as a result of my past, but as an architect of my future. I see my mental challenges not as obstacles, but as opportunities for growth. I see my flaws not as weaknesses, but as areas for improvement. I see my life not as a series of random events, but as a meaningful journey of self-discovery and self-realization.

As I share this journey with you, I invite you to join me in my future articles. I’ll delve into my journey by talking about philosophy, psychological discoveries, and even open-ended questions about life. Remember, I am in no way an expert, just a 24-year-old man navigating his existence in this universe. I may be right, or I may be wrong, but at the very least, I hope my writings will provoke thought and foster interaction.

Until next time,



Christopher Farah

A software engineer by profession and a self-proclaimed over-analytical thinker by nature.