The Art of Selling Prompts: Why people pay up to $30 for ChatGPT and Midjourney Prompts

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating, Valuing, and Monetizing AI Prompts in a Market that probably vanishes within 6 months.

Christian Häfner
7 min readJun 21, 2023
Source: Image by Sanket Mishra on Unsplash

A Hidden Goldmine in AI?

The exponential growth in AI tools has not only revolutionized technology, but also paved the way for new job opportunities. One such emerging career path is that of Prompt Engineering. As intriguing as it sounds, it revolves around an essential concept.

AI models like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and Dall-E are as effective as the prompts they receive. Thus, the art of creating prompts has acquired immense value. If you’ve already explored the opportunities in this field and have a talent for creating engaging prompts that lead to impressive results, your skills can indeed be turned into a profitable venture.

In this article, I’ll illustrate how to sell your best prompts for prices ranging from $2 to $30 per sale, and shed light on why people are more than willing to pay for this service.

Understanding the Realm of Prompts

Prompts are comparable to keys that unlock the immense potential of AI models. Essentially…



Christian Häfner

Indiepreneur based in Europe (SaaS, E-Commerce, Blogging) writing about tools, methods & learnings that helped me work and live independently since 2011.