Gardening Can Make You Happier And Improve Mental Wellbeing

3 min readNov 18, 2022

If you are not an avid gardener, or perhaps you are dipping your toes into the world of gardening for the first time, you may not be aware of the psychological benefits gardening can offer. When you think of gardening, you don’t need to think of a pristine, landscaped, humongous garden. Instead, think of sowing a seed and watching it grow and blossom into a beautiful fruit or flower. Think about planting wildflower seeds to create a haven for wildlife. Imagine cooking with the fruits of your labour that ou have grown in your very own garden. Sounds good, doesn’t it? For me, gardening feels wholesome and slow-paced. It makes me appreciate what I have in my life right now.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve only got a balcony or small yard. Even sowing seeds on your kitchen windowsill can make you feel good. But what is it about gardening that is so therapeutic and beneficial for our mental health? In this post, I’ll explain the reasons why gardening is a worthwhile hobby for a fulfilled life.

Why Does Gardening Improve Our Mental Wellbeing?




Hi, I’m Christy. I'm a freelance writer and an appearance psychology PhD researcher.