How I Switched From Never-Trump To Never-Biden

Drugs, Lies, and Dentures

Christian Alexander
15 min readOct 19, 2020

Clickbait Broke The Propaganda Wall

A friend of mine supported Trump in 2016. Out of all the countless people I know, and that’s quite a few because I am a hyper-extrovert, he is among only a handful who would admit to that. He’s not a fist-pumping MAGA hat guy, but he was happy to vote for him and happy to tell people about it. The rest of the people I know who voted for Trump, did so reluctantly because they found Hilary so smarmy, smug, and shady. I couldn’t understand his support for Trump. It seemed to me to be a glitch in my friend’s otherwise very decent nature. He’s not a dumb guy either, quite the opposite, he is successful and has an advanced degree in engineering. He’s neither a white supremacist nor a jerk. His dad was in the Secret Service. But he has this character flaw: he is an out-of-the-closet Trumper.

He and I send memes and market charts and links etc back and forth to one another on text, and like most Trump supporters do, he peppers me occasionally with political propaganda, which I steadfastly ignore. Sometimes, though, I am not that smart and about 1 year ago, he sucked me in with some Hunter Biden clickbait.

Having enjoyed the misery of cocaine addiction myself, I knew there was no way that Hunter started smoking crack at strip clubs and wilding like that just that night, so I knew there would be something better (worse?) out there on the Internet if I looked, and since I enjoy locker room banter, and cyber-stalking, I figured I would dig up something a little better (or worse?) out there and send it back his way. My reply below:

Now, at this point, my morbid curiosity was triggered. As a drug addict, I wondered “oooh, how dark did he take it?” So I read the addiction erupts from this article in the New Yorker. In this one, Hunter cooperates with the journalist, so we can take what is written as his words.

He details a trip to rehab in Arizona, during which he skipped his connecting flight at LAX, and went rogue on Skid Row, got a gun pulled on him, and finally had to call it quits, but decided to drive to rehab instead of fly. He wrecked the first rental car, and got a second one, but when he got there, he returned it with drugs and paraphernalia everywhere, and he forgot his dead brother’s attorney general badge on the dash.

He finally checked in to rehab… and spent one week there before he flew in his brother’s widow, now his girlfriend, and checked out of rehab so he could take her across the street for a romantic time at the spa. And, at this point, I was thinking is she on drugs too?

I texted my friend my latest discovery:

At this exact moment I was still a zealous 100% anti-Trumper, willing to vote for anybody but Trump, even the Easter Bunny. Further, I thought that poor old Rudy Giuliani had completely lost his marbles. He was running around in the Ukraine acting all crazy. Looking for what? Maybe the Abominable Snowman?

And right here, at this exact moment one year ago, is when my faith in Biden, as the “anybody” in “anybody but Trump”, cracked.

There Is No Such Thing As A Functioning Cocaine Addict

As I was joking with my friend, and reading all this stuff about Hunter’s multiple trips to rehab, his binges, his dating his brother’s widow, his getting a stripper pregnant while dating his brother’s widow, and cheering it all on in locker-room style… that’s when the penny dropped.

From my own experience, there is no such thing as a functioning cocaine addict. The worse it gets, the faster it gets worse. One cannot function like that — at all. You lose stuff and break phones constantly. You’re always scrambling around trying to swindle some cash somehow, from this person and that; and then you’re trying to chase around your dealer; and then you’re getting your spot organized, so you can hide out and get high; plus you’re getting whatever else you might need.

Then you spend maybe 3–5 days getting deliriously high. Then a couple days deliriously tired and sleeping. You’re always moving in and out of hotels, and always losing stuff in the process. Plus, all the physical ailments — the puking, the paranoia, the eating, and the not eating. Wash, rinse and repeat. This is why crack houses looks like crack houses. Hunter is lucky to be alive, but there is no chance he’s been doing any work. None at all.

I lived this life so I know it, and it occurred to me right then — and this being about one year ago — that if Hunter’s addiction is worse than mine was, then he couldn’t bag a ham sandwich on a good day, and even when he could, he would be busy doing other things anyway. So there is no way he did any work whatsoever for Burisma. It is mathematically impossible. So, then, the question to me was, does it overlap? And, yes it does. His spiral started with his expulsion from the Navy in 2013, and carried on until 2019.

“Another guy in DC who has been bought and sold”

Right then, I formed this image of my friend’s dad, the Secret Service agent, driving around guys like Biden, from meeting to meeting, so they can go in and make a little money selling influence to Johns.

Hunter’s Addiction Timeline Versus Bursima

Hunter served on the Burisma board from April 2014 until April 2019.

Here is what was going on in his life at that time:
Feb 2014 — discharged from Navy for cocaine use
Jun 2015 — Beau Biden’s funeral
Jul 2015 — checks in to Caron Treatment Centers
Aug 2015 — his name is among those leaked in Ashley Madison data breach
Oct 2015 — Kathleen Biden files divorce
Feb 2016 — checks in to Kolmac Outpatient Recovery Center
Aug 2016 — begins dating his dead brother’s widow
Oct 2016 — checks in to Grace Grove
Jan 2018 — gets stripper pregnant

I have no doubt, in my own heart, that Hunter couldn’t function in any way amid circumstance like these, and I think this timeline establishes that pretty clearly.

A History of Nepotism

In 2013, Hunter secured a very rare direct commission (meaning no boot camp) to the Navy which is a little-known entry point usually reserved for medical professionals, and available in highly limited numbers. Hunter needed an age waiver for being 3 years over the cap (40) and another one for past-drug use. It doesn’t quite take an act of God to get all that but close.

Joe Biden administered his commissioning oath in a White House ceremony, turning a moment of privilege into a very nice photo opportunity. Hunter failed a cocaine test one month later, and that’s when his spiral started. He was given an administrative discharge rather than a dishonorable one (Trump got this one technical detail wrong). But this event also displays some pretty overt nepotism.

Looking at Hunter’s resume, there is plenty more of that:

Every job on there was either a hook-up from his dad (MBNA, Dept Commerce, Amtrak, Navy) or has a huge conflict of interest embedded in it (Oldaker, Biden & Belair, Rosemont Seneca, and Burisma). The Amtrak job is a total handout. Hunter is 50 years old and he has never held any of these jobs for that long — i.e. it is job after job after job. So, then, Burisma paid him $80,000 a month for what?

Lying Through His Dentures

The media have gone so easy on Biden, dancing around Burisma. George Stephanopoulos, who ran Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 and subsequently became White House communications director, didn’t come near this one at that “Wag the Dog” debate the other night. My mom asks me tougher questions these days, “Christian, what did you have for dinner?” The entire press corps have given Biden a 6 month “get out of jail free card” on this obvious hot spot, and that’s precisely because they know it is a hot spot.

This is the one, and only, time Biden has been pressed on this subject. Give it the 2:17 it deserves. The answers are horrible. And absurd. And dishonest.

This is what flipped me to Trump:

Question: Hunter Biden, your son, was getting paid a lot of money to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company facing serious corruption charges. You were the Vice President, running point on the Ukraine. The Average Joe hears that and says ‘that sounds fishy.’ What’s your understanding of what your son was doing?

Answer: I don’t know what my son was doing. I know he was on the board. I found out he was on the board after he was on the board. And that was it.
Ok, like my mom couldn’t give you at least some thumbnail sketch of what I do for a living? Of course she can. Hunter “worked” at Burisma for 5 years, and he has no clue at all what he did? This is a barefaced lie.]

Re-direct Question: Well you’ve had a lot of time, isn’t this something you want to get to the bottom of?

Answer: No, because I trust my son.
This is where he lost me forever. There is a joke told in rehab: what’s the difference between a drug addict and an alcoholic? The drug addict will help you look for your wallet. I pawned my ex-wife’s jewelry and told her I was having it cleaned. You shouldn’t have trusted me any further than you could have thrown me back then. He doesn’t trust his son — that’s total BS. And if he does trust his son, after 30 years of drug addiction, then he’s the dumbest man on the planet. But the American public absolutely should not be asked to trust a drug addict. Period. This answer is manipulative, evasive and totally dishonest.]

Re-direct Question: That doesn’t pass the smell test, like when you’re Vice President, isn’t there a higher standard? Don’t you need to know?

Answer: No! Unless there was something that is on its face wrong. There’s nothing that was on its face wrong.
Another barefaced lie. Everything is wrong on its face here. As Vice President, he was assigned to the Ukraine. His son, meanwhile, has a huge conflict of interest in a job with a Ukrainian oil company that pays him way too much, and that he is unqualified for, and that he absolutely cannot perform due to the disability of his drug addiction. Everything is wrong with that.]

Answer-continued: Look, if you wanna talk about problems, let’s talk about Trump’s family. I’m mean come on! This is, you guys are amazing… [sneer]
His here deflection implies this: ‘ok, yes, fine, we are corrupt, but so are they!’ His anger betrays his guilt. The reason there is no answer, is that there can be no answer. Joe Biden has been bought and sold.]

Hunter’s Never Ending Spending

Why is divorce so expensive? Because it is worth it.

Why is a drug habit so expensive? Because you have to buy all the drugs, plus you have to buy all the other things you need, which in Hunter’s case is often hotels and professional company, plus there is the cost of all the crashed cars, broken mobile phones, lost property, late fees, etc that drug addict leave in their wake. Meanwhile, all your normal household expenses continue to accrue. Bottom line: being a drug addict sucks money out of your bank account like a bathtub with four drains.

Hunter has a divorce and a drug habit, and then some…

His itemized expenses in the last 3 years:
— a long-standing drug habit
— a divorce from a wife with whom he had three kids (2017)
— a $450,000 tax lean that he satisfied in 6 days (2020)
— a paternity settlement (2020)
— a $2.5 million home purchase in LA (2019)
— a recent marriage (2020)
— a fifth child on the way (2020)

A quick question… where is all this money coming from?

Brainwashed By Soundbites

It’s no secret that Trump’s bombastic and uncouth style have made him unpopular with the press. Trump played the press masterfully during his 2016 campaign, getting them all riled-up and gaining tons of free advertising, albeit for ugly behavior. During the last four years, the press have routinely and consistently picked him apart, characterizing both Trump and Rudy as whackos. The echo chamber became so loud that it was brainwashing. Pretty soon anyone who supported Trump became crazy too, and so then we tune them out. Our minds tell us: ignore them; they’re cray-cray. I did that too until that little piece of clickbait got me started looking at the facts.

How about one single reporter take a look at the issues I have raised above? It takes nothing more than some time, the Internet, and a laptop. This Bursima issue stands out to me as necessary to settle. I didn’t want to find this. I wanted to vote for Biden. But the facts will not allow it, and therefore the press will not look into it, because the facts show Biden is corrupt.

There is not one single piece of evidence that shows Trump ever sold American influence to foreigners for personal gain. Biden did, and yet the press ignores it, or even worse the press are suppressing it right now, while shooting it down with the other hand. In this election, the American press have become a propaganda machine for their own agenda.

This is why Trump hired Giuliani, because there is no chance any of the press corps are going to look into the above, and that’s when the press turned on him ­ — i.e. Giuliani is crazy! He is obsessed with the Ukraine! CNN asks: What happened to Rudy Giuliani? Well the biased question, presuming there is something wrong with him, really answers the question all by itself. But I will answer it anyway. Because he was hired by someone the media disdains, he was then processed through the soundbite, snippet, talking-head filtration system until he came out the other side rebranded as a crazy man.

Considering the current image of Rudy, it is easy to forget that he was the Federal prosecutor who took down the mafia. As Trump’s private investigator, since the media 100% won’t do it, he took a look at the fact pattern, and this is what he saw: consistent Joe-Hunter nepotism; an enormous conflict of interest between Joe as VP covering Ukraine and Hunter representing a Ukrainian Oligarch (and fugitive) simultaneously; the fact that no crack addict can actually do any work; Hunter’s mysterious income; and the evasive and outright dishonest Biden answers. This is why “crazy” Rudy has been obsessed with the Ukraine. Not because he is crazy, but because there is substance to it and he knows it.

American Kremlin Election Interference

I guess it’s time for a little “get back” for how Trump played the media in 2016? The press has gagged Trump, put Biden in to protective custody, and stands ready to shoot-down any dissent immediately.

No one in the media will ask Biden about Burisma. He will be allowed from now until the finish line just to say “no comment” or it is all a “smear campaign”, and meanwhile Rudy is “crazy” for exploring something with such a rotten fact pattern that the press ignores.

Ridin’ With Biden: The Conspiracy to Suppress

And then, finally, came this laptop. The Democrats say it’s from The Kremlin, of course, and meanwhile, the American media, are acting like The Kremlin, while echoing that. Every news outlet refuses to carry the story, and instead shoots it down preemptively with opinions that are labeled as news :

The Washington Post hereby declares this truth: it’s not a scandal! (ok, thanks for telling me that, but any answers on Bursima?)

This thing probably came from foreign agents! (ok, and if it did, then I guess the Biden family’s corrupt activities were not secure enough?)

It is questionable because it came from Rudy and a Fox News guy! (Given the suppression going on right now, it’s pretty clear they would be the only people looking, so…)

Terrible Trump, he keeps lying about the Biden-Ukraine connection (Could even you imagine a story about Biden’s dubious answers on Burisma? No, because nobody will even ask the question)

Good job Facebook, for censoring this fake laptop that is full of real images, because they are so hurtful to poor Hunter (It’s not about the drugs, it’s about the corruption, and the censorship thereof)

Oh look at Biden, he’s so mad at this smear campaign (Any chance you might look into the substance of it?)

Censored By The Free Press

This censorship is incredible. No media outlet whatsoever will even carry the story. Twitter and Facebook blocked the circulation of the story, and blocked the NY Post account. The only outlet that will carry the story is a tabloid, the NY Post, which to be fair has done a great job. But, it’s just a tabloid. Otherwise, total blackout.

Burying The Laptop

The decision whether to report this story, if it was being made on reporting standards rather than political judgements, would hinge on, was it legally obtained and is it authentic.

Where did this laptop come from? This is when my heart fell to my feet. He left it at the repair shop. When Giuliani said it, I got the chills. I did the exact same thing during my addiction. Drug addicts do things like that all the time. You’re always looking for the immediate solution. The laptop is soaked? Give it to the repair place across the street from hotel. Then check out of the hotel a week later and forget all about it. Go buy a new one at the nearest store and abandon the old one. Have you ever stayed awake for 5 days on 10gr/day of cocaine? That how you act, every single day. See below one on the images found on Hunter’s laptop, of a room, after he was done with it.

Hunter is a drug addict. Remember, Hunter wrecked a car, got a new one and returned it with drugs, a crack pipe, and Beau AG badge on the dash before he ran off to spend time with his brother’s widow? You think he was making good decisions?

There are probably 10 to 20 more lost laptops floating around out there in various hotels and airports and taxis… this is just the first one to surface in the “wrong” hands. Also, Hunter’s lawyers sent an email to the store pleading for it back.

Joe Biden, Abusive Father

Drug addicts are not fit for work, and if Joe Biden putting his son to work while he was in downward spiral is what gets him busted, well then, it would be just desserts. If Biden was any kind of father, he should have cut his son off a long time ago and said, “Call me back when you get sober kiddo.”

Trump might be a jerk, but he doesn’t treat his kids like that. Trump may be a jerk but he never sold American influence for a price.

Apparently the media prefers a soulless fraud with a nice pair of dentures and a pressed suit who says oh so often “I care about you.” In the last election, a bombastic showman played the media like a fiddle to steal the show, and in this election the media is stealing America back, so they can return it to the hands of its rightful owner, a hollow hooker with a good smile who will sell it to which ever foreign interest is willing to pay the highest price for the night.

