Christiana Bramo
3 min readMar 19, 2018

AN AD — “REMINDER” | For the Moments That Matter BY NESCAFÉ Gold

Most of the ads today focus on values such as family, friendship, love etc. etc. What I find unique about this very one ad is the fact that it provides us with the greater picture and especially, that this is achieved in a very smart way. All you are supposed “to do” is pick a big theater and there you are: “all the people you have ever met in your life are here”. That is how the ad begins, very interesting right?

In life you meet various people from various occasions. Some of them stay, some of them leave and some others are empty shadows on the wall that just pass. The list is lengthy: relatives, school, university friends, co-workers, people you randomly meet on a night out, boyfriends —girlfriends and the list goes on.

Let’s move on with the narration of this story…The man in the center of the stage addresses to his “audience of life” some personal questions that only those who are or were close to him can answer. As he continues making more, only a few remain standing, all the others stay in the dark.

At the end, all the lights are turned off which indicates loneliness. Despite that, hope is not yet lost because it is never too late to show the very few special people in our lives how special they are to us, even though responsibilities and everyday problems can distract us. At this point, Nescafe Gold comes on stage “inviting” and gathering those people around the table to catch up and remind them to hold on to true relationships that enrich life and make it more beautiful and fascinating. It is not easy to find precious people and it is certain that if you find them they would not be numerous but a treasure that must be lavished.

As underlined, making relationships that worth and last is rare and needs effort and care, thus Nescafe Gold through this ad aims to indicate the same thing about the making of its coffee, having achieved their goal with success, if I may note.

To close this article, another interpretation would look like that: Life is made up of moments and Nescafe Gold is here to make them memorable. This ad if you judge by the comments on YouTube really touched the audience who stated that it was one of these scarce times that an ad made them such an impression. Others noted that it was their first time they looked for an advertisement online after having seen it on TV. This is a great accomplishment if we take into consideration that most people ignore ads, especially online. Nescafe made a good job, inspired us and motivated us in a beautiful way. We hope to discover more interesting ads like this one! Until next time…

Marketeam: Fotis Aggelis Myrto Antipa Konstantina Nikolopoulou

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou

Christiana Bramo

Communication, media and culture student @Panteion University. Greece #AdandPrlab