Waking Up

Christiane Brossi
2 min readApr 21, 2017


All of a sudden, I woke up and decided that I really needed to take responsibility for the changes I want to see in my life. I started and developed my new blog, and decided that I will pass along some of the beautiful things that I have coming my way, even if some them are still part of my dreams and have not come true yet.

I had to do a few adjustments to my mindset. First of all, I had to generate more positive thoughts, as simple as, the morning walk to the bus stop is pleasant. A bus driver was playing saxophone while waiting for his scheduled time to leave the stop. My bus driver had a contagious smile. The young lady at the coffee shop recommended me a great caffeinated coffee. Did you know that light roast coffees have more caffeine than dark roast coffees? I got off one stop farther so I could walk a little more to get to work. The sun was shining over the plants and bees travelled from flower to flower on some of the neighbors flowering bushes.

Sometimes, just observing the little details with thankfulness in mind is all you need to make your day a better day. No matter how difficult your life is at the moment, this will pass. I believe it with all my heart and so should you. Don’t let negative thoughts darken your day. They would only make your day darker and sour. Start observing things around you and think of the little details that make this day a better day just because you have observed these details. However, don’t let yourself be taken by too many details. One of my students had to write a story for his test, and he asked me how long it needed to be. I answered him that I did not know how long his story had to be because it was his story. I said all he needed was to make sense and make sure he had a beginning, middle and end.

So I did build my new website, my blog, and I am developing a new business plan that will help me along with achieving my goals. All I needed was to take charge of my attitude towards details and focus on the steps I need to take to make my goals a reality. Because I am not an extraordinary being, you can do the same and achieve your goals if you start with changing your mindset. Be more positive and accept what the Universe has to give you.

