How To Survive The Future

Why Storytelling Will Help You Stay Valuable

Christian Edwards


What ‘work’ will stand the test of time when jobs are automated, industries change, and digital platforms evolve?


There is much fear in that the human story will become stagnant or nonexistent due to the increasing technological advancement and automation of jobs towards true AI. I’m here to tell you — it won’t. Stories drive culture, culture drives innovation. This has already been proven. The computer, which can be utilized to send people to space! — instead is vastly used for entertainment (storytelling).

Where are these stories happening?

The most visited platforms are cultural hubs created reflective of the stories it’s content creators put out. Whether you look at Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Periscope, Netflix, etc. — There are million of people choosing share their story with the world and cultivating audiences. This reflects that though technology is advancing, human stories still dominate and drive it’s use. As more jobs become automated, platforms evolve, and industries change — stories will be the universal value that exist at the core through time.

a few platforms rich with storytelling

Success and survival in the 21st century will be dependent on those who choose to invest in digital storytelling — and those who don’t.

Who are these story tellers?

Anybody — Those who choose to create and share content about their passion in innovative, authentic, and consistent ways are sure to not only build an audience — but a community that mutually identifies and values each other. Not only are you building connections, relationships, and opportunities — but you are actively becoming more self aware of your own personal growth through time.

There are content creators and story tellers today who have become financially independent through simply sharing their passion with the world. This is a very small portion of the overall population, but I believe this new trend will become more common as we move into the 2020’s.

Larger tribe have greater ease in survival, even in the internet age.

What you can do to become a storyteller

We all have computers in our pocket — we are all content creators and story tellers. If you are passionate about something — invest in it, document your work and pursuits, share it with the world. Don’t be afraid. It will only grow overtime. Find innovative ways of communicating and sharing your passion.

Why invest in storytelling?

The point is, we need to not be afraid of our own story. Sharing your story will give you greater ability to survive and prosper in the age of the internet. When all of the jobs are taken by robots, the storytellers will still find value and work. We might not research instantly — but the losers now, are later to win.


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Thank you for reading ❤ , and let me know your thoughts on this below!



Christian Edwards

‘Internet📱 Driven Creative’ living in the 21st century renaissance 🙂