DRY Redux with Typescript Thunk and Hooks

Christian Jöcker
2 min readMar 28, 2020

After a lot of research and refactoring, I manage to reduce a lot of verbose in my React apps. I couldn’t find a DRY recipe online for Redux, Thunk, Typescript and Hooks. Hence, I want to share what I did.

I assume that readers have already knowledge in frameworks mentioned below.

Example App: Counter

When “Sum + 1” or “Sum -1” buttons are clicked, 1 is summed or subtracted to Counter.counterNumber

When “Get Number Fun Fact” is clicked, a fun fact is fetched from http://numbersapi.com/

The Code


Let’s start with the counter actions:

This is the whole file! No more, no less… Later we will see where the action dispatcher is created.

It’s necessary to define the enums as strings (e.g. SumCounter = “SumCounter”) so that the actions can be seen in the Redux Devtools.

Let’s see how the reducer looks like:

We can see that I didn’t create an interface separated from an initialState constant. With a class, we can have both in one!

This is then how the counter component looks like:

With the Redux hooks, the connect goes away with mapStateToProps, and mapDispatchToProps. The dispatch is also done directly by the buttons.


The Redux store have also some interesting changes:

For every new reducer, it needs to be combined into the rootReducer. Also new classed needs to be added the the rootState. The rest should remain the same. I created also a dispatcher for all actions. It is still type sage using payload: Partial<rootState>


The app code remains the same:

Fun Fact

Here we can see how it looks like when we want to use Thunk to fetch data:


With this approach, I managed to have a more DRY code. The redux hooks make possible to reduce the amount of code and still making it type safe.

To see the full code, I created a github repository.

I also created a short explanation on youtube.

