Christian Lanng
2 min readJan 29, 2017

Where we stand

(Letter sent to all Tradeshift employees today)

I’ve heard from a lot of you around the new immigration rules into the US and what our position is. I want to be as clear as I possibly can. We are against any form of ban of any group of people based on ethnicity, religion or any other form of discrimination.

While this is not directly impacting any US employees today, it will impact the many Tradeshifters we have globally who now won’t have the chance to come and work with our US colleagues in the US office as part of the global knowledge exchange and team integration we have been running.

As an immigrant myself this is of course personal, I understand exactly the horror anyone traveling back to be with their families, jobs and friends must feel at suddenly having the border closed, such as this Cleveland Clinic doctor or this Clemson Professor. US is my home, yet my legal security is exactly the same as those who were turned away at the border Friday. A week ago I took my life in the US as a given, no longer. Uncertainty don’t just hurt people and families, it’s bad for business too. Tradeshift was started in the US by immigrants, today we employ more than 100+ people in the US, many of them immigrants too.

This is not about politics, I don’t care if you believe in small or big government, gun rights or no, pro-life or not. This is about basic human decency. This is about all the values we stand for as a company and we won’t hide or be silent.

I hope you will all stand with me and say no to this and if you want to do something, make a call, donate (I did).


Christian Lanng

I’m working on what’s next at Beyond Work and before that I was Cofounder and CEO of Tradeshift for 14 years