Growing Up From Eating Animals

Christian 郑梵力 Ramsey
4 min readSep 12, 2019


The experiment is over but yet we are still eating animals…

When we commodify animal life, it means we must destroy all of the animal’s possibilities except the ones that provide us with tasty food in the most efficient manner. So that means the cow isn’t viewed as a life, in fact, it’s worthless to us alive unless it is a female because we can get milk out of it by inducing pregnancy and taking away its baby and thereby depressing it. Instead, a cow is your new cool jacket or new boots from x brand, or it’s your tasty lunch that helps distract you from your neuroticism. We limit their lives primarily because many of us are driven by taste and sensual experiences which is not the root cause, the root cause is that our constant seeking for an enhanced experience and feeling unsatisfactory with unadulterated life. Scaled up the results are mass destruction of the environment and a crippling of the minds of human beings in an unprecedented way. This is driven by our inability to be with ourselves and dealing with “straight life”. There isn’t anything sane about destroying the planet for cheap momentary pleasures and avoiding suffering. In fact, it’s actually worse than that, the case is that this is actually madness. We are literally living in a state of collective madness, it’s collective because there is a consensus around the madness which couches it in normality. But normal behaviour isn’t equal to truth. Yet our arguments show that we are unable to see this difference. We are unable to see clearly. Having a view that one should be a vegan is still a controversial view, even in response to climate change.

This is madness.

Truth is being subverted.

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

We are supposedly an awoken species capable of choosing how we relate to the environment and our choice has been to go too far to fulfil cheap desires that never seem to be truly satisfied. You do not need a mathematical proof to show that this is an infinite loop. This is much bigger than Hitler or WWII. We are responsible for waking up and taking “straight life” without any anaesthetic. We must begin to learn how to take life straight without slathering it in condiments or cosmetics that blind us from being sensible. If we were thinking clearly, without self-deception, we would know exactly what to do. Exactly what do give up and change on the spot. That’s the power of clarity.

Instead, we are inundated with an endless amount of cosmetics, condiments, and anaesthetics, unable to see clearly.

We can not think or feel straight.

The truth has become far too alien for us.

We have to wake up.

This is part of my upcoming book called Straight Life by Christian Fanli Ramsey.

P.S. It appears The Smiths couldn’t penetrate our deepest delusions. Meat is murder.


[Verse 1]
Heifer whines could be human cries
Closer comes the screaming knife
This beautiful creature must die
This beautiful creature must die
A death for no reason
And death for no reason is murder
And the flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It’s death for no reason
And death for no reason is murder
And the calf that you carve with a smile
Is murder
And the turkey you festively slice
Is murder
Do you know how animals die?

[Verse 2]
Kitchen aromas aren’t very homely
It’s not comforting, cheery or kind
It’s sizzling blood and the unholy stench of murder
It’s not natural, normal or kind
The flesh you so fancifully fry
The meat in your mouth
As you savour the flavour of murder
No, no, no, it’s murder
No, no, no, it’s murder
Oh… and who hears when animals cry?[Intro]

[Verse 1]
Heifer whines could be human cries
Closer comes the screaming knife
This beautiful creature must die
This beautiful creature must die
A death for no reason
And death for no reason is murder
And the flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It’s death for no reason
And death for no reason is murder
And the calf that you carve with a smile
Is murder
And the turkey you festively slice
Is murder
Do you know how animals die?

[Verse 2]
Kitchen aromas aren’t very homely
It’s not comforting, cheery or kind
It’s sizzling blood and the unholy stench of murder
It’s not natural, normal or kind
The flesh you so fancifully fry
The meat in your mouth
As you savour the flavour of murder
No, no, no, it’s murder
No, no, no, it’s murder
Oh… and who hears when animals cry?



Christian 郑梵力 Ramsey

Human-Centred Machine Learning @IDEO, co-author of Applied Deep Learning. Contemplative at San Francisco Zen Center.