Prompt Engineering 101: Unlocking ChatGPT’s Potential with Precision

Christina Kennedy
8 min readFeb 26, 2024

In today’s rapidly changing world of AI-powered communication, mastering the art of crafting effective prompts is like having a superpower. When you open up ChatGPT it asks a simple question, “How can I help you?” Many users assume answering the question will be enough. However, there’s more nuance to it, especially in your initial engagement. To get the most out of ChatGPT, you have to view it as a partner rather than a tool at your disposal.

Before we go any further, let me introduce myself. I’ve been involved in various communication roles, spanning across agencies, in-house positions, and freelance endeavors. My experience includes crafting communications across a broad range, from social media posts to articles, and today, I specialize in corporate communications. Throughout my career, I’ve navigated diverse sectors, including Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Government to Consumer, and Government to Government.

If I had a nickel for each time I’ve been asked to “write a message about X,” with no further details, I could retire early. Alas, that’s not how the world works, so I’ve had to find smarter ways to approach my work, including leveraging tools like ChatGPT. Through experimentation and research, I’ve discovered various resources online. Among them, the most valuable one was a LinkedIn Learning Class by Dave Birss, which focused on crafting effective prompts for ChatGPT. In this article, I’m going to break down Dave’s CREATE method to explain the intricacies of prompt writing and empower you to make the most out of ChatGPT.

C: Character — Crafting Your Persona

Before engaging ChatGPT, we first have to define the character they will protray. Who are you? What’s your motivation? What are you trying to achieve? It’s all very theatrical, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Think of it as casting a role in a play — what persona will best suit your needs? Here are some best practices to consider:

Define Your Persona: Clearly articulate who you want ChatGPT to be. Are you a seasoned expert, a curious learner, or perhaps a friend giving advice? Tailor the persona to match the context and objectives of your inquiry.

Clarify Motivation and Goals: Consider the motivations and goals of your persona. What are you trying to achieve with ChatGPT? Whether it’s seeking information, brainstorming ideas, or crafting content, align the persona’s goals with your desired outcomes.

Establish Tone and Style: Determine the tone and style of communication for your persona. Will it be formal or informal, professional or conversational? Specify preferences such as speaking in plain language with no jargon or adopting a specific writing style.

Provide Detailed Information: The more information you provide about your persona, the better ChatGPT can embody it. Include relevant details such as expertise, experience level, and any unique characteristics or quirks.

Iterate and Refine: Building your persona is an iterative process. Experiment with different traits, adjust as needed based on ChatGPT’s responses, and refine over time to optimize effectiveness.

Remember, your persona isn’t limited to who you “literally” are — it’s who you want ChatGPT to be. Whether you’re adding years of experience, clarifying your expertise, or adjusting your communication style, customize your persona to best achieve your end goal. Just like casting a character in a play, the more thought and detail you put into crafting your persona, the better the performance will be.

R: Request — Clarifying Your Task

When crafting your request to ChatGPT, dive into the nitty-gritty specifics of what you want it to accomplish. Here are some best practices to consider when crafting your prompt:

Define Your Task: Clearly outline the task. Are you drafting an email, composing an article, or developing an outline? Providing clear direction sets the stage for ChatGPT to deliver relevant responses.

Provide Context: Offer as much context as possible to help ChatGPT understand the scope and purpose of your task. Consider sharing details such as the target audience, desired tone, and any specific requirements or constraints.

Specify Output Preferences: ChatGPT isn’t limited to generating text — it can also create tables, lists, and more. Specify how you’d like the information presented to you. Whether it’s an outline, bullet points, or a paragraph, tailor the format to match your preferences and the nature of the task.

Here’s an example of how you might structure your request:

“I’m drafting an article about how to use ChatGPT effectively, with a focus on crafting prompts for efficient use. As a highly experienced and recognized writer with over 30 years of experience, I prioritize clarity and simplicity in my writing. Provide me with an outline breaking down the key components of the article. Offer bullet points outlining best practices for creating prompts. Share a paragraph on how users can best collaborate with me, including any information that would enhance prompt crafting.”

By following these best practices, you can effectively communicate your needs to ChatGPT, making its responses more accurate and on point.

E: Examples — Optional Step

While this isn’t necessary, consider providing examples to ChatGPT for reference. You might want to include samples from a specific writer to capture their tone or cite an expert in the field to provide additional context.

Here is how you can build on the previous example to include a reference point:

As an experienced and respected writer with over 30 years of expertise in article writing, you prioritize clarity and simplicity in your writing style. Currently, you’re working on an article about maximizing the efficiency of ChatGPT through effective prompt creation. To illustrate, you could use a sample outline based on the David Birss CREATE method as a reference for shaping the structure of your article.

A: Adjustments — Refining Your Prompt

While it’s natural to expect perfection from ChatGPT, you need to understand that the initial output may not always meet your expectations. This is where adjustments come into play. Here are some best practices for refining your prompt:

Level of Detail: The level of detail you provide can significantly impact the quality of your response. Consider including specific instructions, examples, or context to guide ChatGPT in the right direction.

Identify Areas for Improvement: Assess the initial response and identify any areas that require adjustment. Does the tone need to be more casual? Is there too much focus on one topic at the expense of others? Pinpointing areas for improvement is the first step toward refining your prompt to be more effective.

Provide Additional Context: If the response misses the mark, provide additional context or clarification to help ChatGPT better understand your requirements. This could include explaining specific terms or concepts, outlining your expectations more clearly, or providing examples for reference.

Clarify Misunderstandings: If ChatGPT misinterprets your prompt or provides inaccurate information, take the opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings. Provide corrective feedback and guide ChatGPT towards the desired outcome. ChatGPT’s “memory” only dates back to November 2021, it doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. Sometimes it’s our responsibility to teach it.

Iterate and Experiment: Crafting the perfect prompt often involves a process of iteration and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to refine your prompt multiple times, tweak the language, or try different approaches until you achieve the desired result.

By actively refining your prompt and making necessary adjustments, you can ensure that ChatGPT delivers responses that meet your expectations. Remember, this is a collaborative interaction, the more you can tweak, refine, and adjust, the better your understanding of the tool will be and the better ChatGPT will understand you allowing for continuous improvement and optimization over time.

T: Type of Output — Tailoring the Format

While we touched on this in the request phase, let’s dive deeper into selecting the appropriate format for your task. Depending on the nature of your request, you may prefer one format over another. Here are some additional output types you can consider:

List: Ideal for presenting information in a concise and structured format. Lists help sequentially organize key points or steps, making it easy for readers to understand and digest the content.

Paragraph: Best for conveying detailed explanations or narratives. Paragraphs provide a cohesive flow of information and allow for deeper exploration of concepts or ideas.

Bullets: Similar to lists but with more flexibility in formatting. Bullets are effective for highlighting key insights or breaking down complex information into smaller chunks.

Table: Useful for presenting data or comparative information in a clear and organized manner. Tables allow for easy comparison of values and trends, making them ideal for analytical or statistical content. You can even provide ChatGPT with the column names if you know how you want the table laid out.

Outline: Provides a structure for organizing content. Outlines help visualize the overall structure of a document or presentation, making it easier to navigate and understand the flow of information.

Graphs/Charts: Suitable for visualizing data or trends. Graphs and charts help illustrate complex relationships or patterns, making them valuable for conveying quantitative information effectively.

Infographics: Combine text, images, and visual elements to communicate information in a visual format. Infographics are ideal for summarizing key points or concepts while enhancing overall comprehension and retention.

When selecting the output format, consider your purpose and audience preferences. Some information is easily digestible in specific formats.

E: Extras — Fine-Tuning Your Interaction

As we wrap up, consider this final step an opportunity to fine-tune your interaction with ChatGPT. Here are some additional considerations that could improve the quality and effectiveness of the output:

Explanation of Thought Process: If you’re curious about how ChatGPT arrived at a particular response, don’t hesitate to ask for an explanation of its thought process. Understanding the reasoning behind its answers can provide valuable insights and deepen your understanding of the AI’s capabilities.

Request for Additional Examples: If you require further clarification or inspiration, request additional examples. These can serve as reference points or provide alternative perspectives to enrich your understanding of your topic.

Seek Clarification: If ChatGPT’s response leaves you with questions or concerns, seek clarification by asking specific follow-up questions. Clarifying any misunderstandings ensures that you and ChatGPT are on the same page and allows for more effective communication.

Refine Output: If the initial output requires refinement or adjustment, provide clear instructions on how you’d like it to be revised. Whether it’s tweaking the language, adding more detail, or restructuring the content, communicate your preferences to ensure the final output meets your expectations.

Feedback and Iteration: Finally, don’t forget to provide feedback to ChatGPT based on the output received. Positive reinforcement for accurate responses and constructive feedback for areas needing improvement can help ChatGPT learn and improve over time. Remember, the interaction with ChatGPT is a collaborative process, and your input plays a crucial role in shaping its performance.

By leveraging this final step to fine-tune your interaction with ChatGPT, you can optimize the quality and relevance of its responses and build a productive partnership.

By following the CREATE method — Character, Request, Examples, Adjustments, Type of Output, and Extras — you can easily craft prompts that effectively leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate insightful, relevant, and engaging responses. Whether you’re seeking information, inspiration, or assistance, mastering the art of prompting will enhance your interactions with this effective and powerful AI tool.

This article was enhanced with assistance from OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model.



Christina Kennedy

Meet Christina, the maestro of sarcasm and stirring up chaos with words.