Avoidant Personality Disorder or Chiron in Gemini?

Christina Thompson
3 min readJul 25, 2022


Avoidant personality disorder and the astrological birth chart placement of Chiron in Gemini, have many similarities. Are you suffering from Avoidant Personality Disorder? Discover the similarities with having Chiron in Gemini in your birth chart.

What is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a long-lasting pattern of behavior that is triggered by social anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, and a sensitivity to rejection, which can cause difficulties in workplace environments and relationships.

The condition is marked by extreme shyness as well as sensitivity to negative comments from other people. Social anxiety disorder is also associated with AVPD.

Individuals with this disorder display a pattern of social avoidance from a fear of being judged or rejected, which can be extremely painful for them.

The following is a listing of symptoms that are common to Avoidant Personality Disorder:

  • Avoidance of work-related activities that involve significant social interaction due to fear of being judged negatively, rejected, or disapproved in some way.
  • An unwillingness to be in a relationship with someone else unless you’re certain they will like you.
  • Refraining from intimate relationships from the fear of being humiliated or judged.
  • A hesitation to try new things or take a risk out of fear of embarrassing yourself.
  • Having severe anxiety about rejection or criticism in social settings.
  • Feelings of being socially inadequate and unappealing to other people.

The causes behind Avoidant Personality Disorder are believed to be a result of environmental, genetic, and social elements. Afflicted emotional abuse, criticism, ridicule, or the lack of affection or love from a caregiver or parent in the early years can trigger the formation of this personality disorder. The rejection of peers can also be a risk factor.

Many people who suffer from the disorder are shy when they are young and do not fully overcome this shyness as they grow.

What is Chiron in Gemini?

Chiron in Gemini makes an individual feel unintelligent and unfitting. The discomfort you experience often is the result of the constant feeling that you are not able to be a part of the world or are different from other people due to intelligence and communication.

The pain of feeling less smart than all of those around you.

This Chiron wound destroys self-confidence and causes immense pain. It can have a profound influence on how you talk, act and think.

While each Chiron position is significant, Chiron in Gemini has the potential to significantly impact an individual’s career, education, and self-esteem.

It is possible to believe that all other people around you are smarter and more capable than you. This may cause you to place people on a pedestal or cause you to pull back and separate yourself from the people around you, believing that you’re not able to be accepted as a part of the group.

These Chiron wounds can be triggered from childhood when people would tell you that you’re not smart enough or that you were compared to elder siblings, in a demeaning way.

Chiron in Gemini makes you incapable of communicating effectively. The ability to express your opinions clearly isn’t something that is natural to you.

In reality, you’re more likely to develop social anxiety, with an overall fear of public speaking. Your mind tends to become stuck when others are waiting for you to say something.

You may also be socially awkward and communicate in an immature or off-character way.

It’s also common for individuals with Chiron in Gemini to suffer from a speech impairment such as a lisp or stutter, or a learning disability.

What’s your Chiron sign?

Read more on Chiron in Gemini.

