Epclusa: Understanding the Cost Disparity Between the US and India

2 min readMay 25, 2024


Epclusa, a brand name medication containing sofosbuvir and velpatasvir, has revolutionized Hepatitis C treatment. This prescription drug boasts high efficacy rates, offering a cure for most chronic HCV genotypes. However, headlines regarding Epclusa’s cost often raise eyebrows, particularly when comparing the price in the US and India.

Unveiling the US Price Tag

The list price of Epclusa in the US can be staggering. At a whopping $24,920 per month, a full 12-week treatment course can reach nearly $78,000. Fortunately, this isn’t the price most patients pay. Insurance plans typically cover Epclusa, bringing the out-of-pocket cost down considerably. Additionally, the manufacturer offers co-pay coupon programs that can further reduce the monthly cost to as low as $5.

A Different Reality in India

Newspapers and magazines in India paint a contrasting picture. Due to relaxed patent laws, generic versions of Epclusa are readily available in the country. These generic medications offer the same active ingredients at a fraction of the brand name price.

Here’s where the disparity arises. Unlike the US, the Indian pharmaceutical industry prioritizes affordability over recouping high research and development costs. This translates to significantly lower production expenses, making generic Epclusa much cheaper in India.

Why the Price Gap?

The core reason for the price difference lies in the approach to pharmaceutical development and pricing. The US healthcare system heavily invests in research and development, with pharmaceutical companies recouping these costs through high drug prices.

In contrast, India’s focus on generic production prioritizes accessibility over maximizing profit margins. This approach makes treatment options like Epclusa far more affordable for the general population.

Important Note: It’s crucial to remember that obtaining prescription medication from countries like India can be risky. Counterfeit drugs and improper storage conditions are significant concerns. Always consult a licensed physician and acquire medications through authorized channels.

Epclusa’s efficacy remains undeniable, offering a highly effective cure for Hepatitis C. However, its price in the US can be a significant hurdle. Understanding the reasons behind the cost disparity between the US and India can empower patients to explore options for making this life-saving medication more affordable.

