Get Fit Fast: Exercise Basics for Kids: Strength Training

Christina Laguza
5 min readJun 12, 2024


Hello there, the future fanatic of personal fitness and wellbeing! If you are preparing to enter the strength training but have no idea in what way it will be better for you to try? No worries! Usually there is a traditional bit of advice to get fit fast and in this guide there are all the necessary information. Okay, let’s simplify and have fun while attaining our strengths. We can beat this List down ..

Why Strength Training?

So here are a few questions that counter why you should start lifting weights? Isn’t cardio enough? Not quite. Here’s why strength training is amazing:Here’s why strength training is amazing:

Build Muscle: It is beneficial for muscle building and also for mere toning, this because strength training is an effective way to go.

Burn Fat: If you have muscle mass, you will burn more calories daily even if you are not exercising or doing any activity. Some crude thinking tells you that, if you can have more muscles, then you will be able to burn more calories.

Boost Health: Also, strength training helps to create new bone mass making your bones stronger, enhances balance and can help to improve mood.


Common Concerns

Let’s tackle some common concerns right off the bat:Let’s tackle some common concerns right off the bat:

“I don’t want to get too bulky!” There you go again! Please do not worry because to get bulky you need to dedicate a lot of time to how you train and what you eat. For the majority of naive clients they will just achieve better muscularity.

In fact, you could tell your classmates and/or instructor, ‘I have no idea what I’m doing!’ That’s alright! To enjoy the sweet fruit at the end of a successful HMB campaign, every participant starts somewhere and this guide will assist you to start right.

Do you remember the universal phrase, “I don’t have time!” Well, lucky for us, it’s not entirely true. It just takes 30 minutes several times a week to achieve a great result so don’t hesitate, it is definitely worth it!

Getting Started: The Essentials

1. Set Clear Goals

Where are you in relation to your aim? They all work together toward fitness goals of adding mass, of reducing size, or of simply improving health.


2. Learn the Basic Moves

Start with these foundational exercises that target multiple muscle groups:Start with these foundational exercises that target multiple muscle groups:



Bench Press


Overhead Press

Perhaps these may seem very scary but honestly, it is as easily understandable as anything else once you acclimatize with it.

3. Focus on Form

Muscle arrangement is key to preventing mishaps and to ensure that the intended muscle groups are being targeted. If uncertain about a particular exercise, consult a trainer, or watch coaching/training sessions’ videos.

Your First Workout Plan

Here’s a simple beginner workout plan to get you started:Here’s a simple beginner workout plan to get you started:

Day 1: Upper Body

Warm-up: When the whistle is blowed, the candidates must be ready to perform 5–10 mins of light warm up, including light jogging to warm up the cardiovascular system.

Push-ups: Thirteen exercises are in total: 3 sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell Rows: These particular exercises include sets of 12 reps for 3 different exercises.

Shoulder Press: Two arm movement, three sets of ten repetitions.

Bicep Curls: Three series of twelve repetitions

Day 2: Lower Body

Warm-up: They should do warm-up exercises that should take them 5–10 minutes with moderate-intensity workouts such as jogging.

Squats: This is further divided into 3 sets for equal to twelve repetitions.

Deadlifts: 3 Circuits of ten reps

Lunges: Perform 3 sets of 12 each for the leg exercises.

Calf Raises: three sets of fifienteen repetitions

Day 3: Full Body

Warm-up: Light aerobic sessions that are lasting for about 5–10 minutes are recommended.

Bench Press: Three consecutive 10 repetitions.

Pull-ups (or Assisted Pull-ups): The number three the reps 8 sets

Plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds This is normally an indirect approach and can be applied on the assumption that reasonable people will definitely agree that they timber supply depends on the forest area.

Leg Press: that is, three sets where the subject would repeat a given exercise twelve times.

Open Loop: What’s Next?


EDUCATION QUESTIONS If not, do you have any questions in your mind about how to choose the method to continue moving forward and escape stall? In the next article, we will discuss about things that we can expand and ways on how to modify our workouts to constantly improve. But for now let me just remind myself and anyone reading this to first get used to the simple things of himbo.

Tips for Success

Start Light: First, start with lightweight ones to get the correct form before attempting to take up stronger ones.

Be Consistent: Ideally, training should be done at least three time a week to achieve the highest level of efficiency.

Listen to Your Body: If it does not work as intended, then pause whether the situation itself could be questionable at best. It is always safer not to even try than to get paid and have a body full of cuts and bruises.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: Muscles require food for growth, and therefore the body requires the right nutrients in the muscles to develop well. Protein to carb ratio, healthy fats are crucial for the right nutrient proportions in the human diet.

Handling Doubts: The name of the Text is about overcoming the fear of failure and its implications, so what other title could be more appropriate than “What if I fail?”

A lot of people feel nervous about losing their positions or some just feel a few apprehensive or feel a few pressured thinking that they would not get an improvement at first glance. Remember, progress takes time. The culture is to keep on celebrating the small successes that you achieve and to persevere in the process of achieving the goals. Build consistency and I promise you shall draw closer to your goals.

Wrapping Up

Strength training does not have to be complicated or scary For some, the mere words may sound alarming that is why they are. With all that you need, you can begin your journey and get fit quickly If not now, when?

