7 Lessons I learned From The Rain

Christina Lyon
8 min readDec 30, 2021
Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash

Poets have long used it as a muse. Hollywood tells us we’re in for an emotional exchange when the weather suddenly changes. The roof remains inaudible until those fat droplets sing a soft chorus. Rain is water vapor weighted down by gravity. But emotionally? The rain is a source of awe, inspiration, sadness, introspection, pain, frustration, renewal, and observation.

I’ve learned many lessons from the rain, despite our acquaintanceship. See, it doesn’t rain much in sunny So Cal, but when it does, my soul creeps out of auto-pilot and the feels seep in along with the damp air.

When I hear that oncoming pitter-patter, I’ll make any excuse to cancel whatever I had planned and scoop up some me time. A hot bath, a good book, a warm cup of tea, a new series. Each of these activities becomes sweeter with the soundtrack of rain on the windows.

I love the rain, but I understand my love is conditional. How do you appreciate the rain? Too much of a good thing and the rain takes on a new, more intolerable shape. But, like most of my favorite things — garlic, Epsom salt baths, Titos vodka, dark chocolate — the dosage must be just right. Too much and it’s overkill. Not enough and you invariably crave more.

So, when it rains, I stop everything and just exist. I don’t ask for much, I don’t take much, I sit by, let the clock…



Christina Lyon

Christina Lyon is a writer and entrepreneur thriving through POTS syndrome. She‘s on fire for disability empowerment, fiction writing, and prose reflections.