5 Reasons Why I’m Not a Fan of Multi-Level Marketing (MLMs)

These are just 5 of the many reasons to stay away from MLMs.

Christina Piccoli
3 min readJan 23, 2023
Image created by the author in Canva.

I don’t like multi-level marketing (MLM) companies very much, and I’m going to give you 5 reasons why.

I have been in a few myself, with Young Living Essential Oils being the one I was most invested in. And when I say “invested”, I really mean it. I’ll tell you about that first.

Let’s dive in.

Reason #1: Those Monthly Orders Add Up

I spent $100 — $300 per month on products.

Every. Single. Month. How much of that did I sell? Almost none. I also bought business cards and marketing materials. I felt like a real business owner. Instead, I was a sucker who was giving all my money away to my upline.

Reason #2: They Prey on Vulnerable Women

Women want to have their own “thing”, and MLMs know it.

Most women I know (myself included) get an “itch” to do something with their lives that doesn’t include being a mom and a wife. MLMs know this, and they are great at convincing women they can make their own money and be their own “boss babe”.

Reason #3: You’ll Be Working Your Tail Off

MLMs are not easy part-time gigs if you want to be at the top.

I used to follow these women in Young Living who were at the top of the upline. At the end of the month when they were trying to hit their goals, they would be working all day AND all night trying to push people to get those last sales in.

Plus, they were constantly online hustling. I don’t think they ever took breaks.

Reason #4: You Don’t Own Your Own Business

They tell you you’ll be a boss babe and that you’ll own your own business. Lies.

Yes, you have control over your sales and you can even create your own branding. But what happens when the main MLM shuts down? Do you still own your own business? I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

The .3% of people on the top making boatloads of money? Their income goes to $0.

Reason #5: It’s Too Hard to Make Money

According to the FTC, more than 99% of people in an MLM lose money.

Why is it so hard to make money?

  1. The products are overpriced. (They are overpriced because your upline has to be paid somehow…)
  2. You have to buy products monthly, and you’ll be pushed to buy the most that you can.
  3. Your friends and family don’t want your stuff.
  4. MLMs have a bad reputation, and most people don’t want anything to do with them.

You can earn a side income, but stay away from MLMs

The internet is a vast place, and there are tons of ways to earn money online. But I advise you to stay away from MLMs. They make you think it’ll be an easy ride, but in the end, just about everyone loses.



Christina Piccoli

On a mission to make $5k+ per month with small digital assets & simple writing platforms. I share short lists of what I learn @ https://intellectualists.com