Calorie-Counting Challenge: Weeks 3 & 4 Breakdown

I am really good at this one thing.

Christina Piccoli
5 min readOct 23, 2023
Image created in Midjourney.

In case you missed it, I am doing a 12-week calorie-counting challenge. Here’s where I’m keeping all the updates. I got behind on writing up week 3, so I’m combining it with week 4.

Week 3

I’m writing this almost at the end of week 4, so I’m hoping to remember enough of what happened last week.

Looking at my numbers, I know I did pretty good. I hit my main goal of tracking every day.

Screenshot taken by the author.

You can see that I was technically under my calories every day except Saturday.

The thing is, it’s not a true representation of what’s really happening. I’m not really under that much.

How do I know?

I haven’t lost any weight.

I had an initial 3-pound weight loss in week one, which was nice to see, but I know it was water weight.

Since then, I went right back to where I started.

And then I had a realization. I am really good at one thing…



Christina Piccoli

Experimenting w/ digital assets + money mindset to get to $5k+ per month. Documenting everything. Sharing short lists of things I learn →