The Paradox of Buddhist Beliefs: Amendment


The path of course correction…

Amendment to The Paradox of Buddhist Beliefs

As this Medium publication is currently part of a 100-weekday creator challenge that is automated with an RSS feed, I am making amendments through a new post instead of editing the original post titled The Paradox of Buddhist Beliefs.

Two Twitter friends pointed out important clarifications in tweet replies:

  • PJ Teh noted: “the Pali Canon is still the most complete set that has been preserved, so much of EBT is derived from comparing the Pali Theravada with existing parallels, then seeing the differences. The differences are actually v minor.” He also finds “EBT texts to be very modern & very practical. E.g. how to deal with distractions = MN20, how to look at negative mind states = MN19, how to select a teacher, etc.”
  • Winston noted: “The other alternative that many don’t consider is that before the EBT were written down, teachings were transmitted aurally. So there actually is a living line of aural transmission + validation mastery leading down from the Buddha to authentic buddhist “lineage holders. Disciples would then be evaluated extensively by their masters to see if they have ‘received the eye of the dharma’ as a dharma heir before they are given permission to transmit/teach.”

I’d like to acknowledge that my original post was not clear on these two points. These are rather grave errors in nuance, considering that

  1. I am not an EBT-exclusionary practitioner myself, and
  2. I believe the teachings are best transmitted through living practitioners — in observation of their ethics and “amount of letting go!”

For those of you sticking around for the 100 Days of Paradox journey, please forgive me as I write these posts at a daily pace. Your feedback is much appreciated as they allow me to make corrections along the way.

