About Canon Collaborative

We illuminate and guide the flow of human strength.

Christine Bizzell
2 min readJun 2, 2023

We are strength guides, coaches, and consultants on a mission to illuminate and guide natural strength within individuals, teams, and organizations — starting with the individual.

We are fueled by a vision of our world where all humans have access to systems and structures that sustain life.

We believe this vision can be achieved by speeding the evolution of business as a force for good. We advocate for designing environments to celebrate and amplify the flow of human strength at work and beyond.

Our framework is inspired by a law of physics governing Design in Nature — and it’s all about designing greater access to flow. This law of physics states that “for life to persist, it must be free to adapt to find greater access to the currents moving through it.” This describes the life of everything — life as movement.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

We are all about flow. We use the word flow to describe ease of movement, genuine connection between two or more parts, and the flow of strength.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes a “flow state” as a singular state of flow in which someone can lose track of time in empowered concentration.

Flow, in the way we talk about it, is more fluid: Dynamic flow of strength coming out of a grounded and connected center.

We are also big fans of the singular state of flow experience — and believe some convergence of our natural CliftonStrengths provide direction in attaining it.

At Canon, we #powertheflowoflife by supporting people and organizations in seeing their natural strength more clearly and wholly — and by designing environments to facilitate this natural flow of human strength.

Our services are centered around strength-based guidance, coaching, and consulting for individuals and organizations.

We believe that strong teams and healthy organizations start with the individual — and that powerful teamwork comes through a commitment to build and maintain trust as the key to unlocking world-changing collaboration and interdependence.

Visit our website to learn more.

