King Felipe VI of Spain

Christine Azous
4 min readJun 1, 2024


The Modern Monarch

In the heart of Europe, a nation steeped in history and culture, a new era of monarchy dawned with the ascension of King Felipe VI of Spain. Born on January 30, 1968, in Madrid, Spain, Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y de Grecia, as he was christened, was destined for greatness.

Early Life and Education

The youngest child and only son of King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía, Felipe was born into a life of duty and service. His early years were marked by a strong emphasis on education, with studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, the General Military Academy, the Naval Military Academy, and the General Air Academy. This well-rounded education prepared him for the weighty responsibilities that lay ahead.

Marriage and Family

In 2004, King Felipe VI married Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, a journalist and former news anchor. The couple has two daughters, Leonor, the Princess of Asturias, and Infanta Sofía. The royal family’s strong bond and commitment to public service have endeared them to the Spanish people.

Accession to the Throne

On June 19, 2014, King Juan Carlos I abdicated, paving the way for Felipe to ascend to the throne. In a grand ceremony at the Congress of Deputies, King Felipe VI was proclaimed the new monarch of Spain, marking the beginning of a new era for the Spanish monarchy.

Reign and Initiatives

His reign has been marked by:

. Economic Development: King Felipe VI has worked tirelessly to promote Spanish business and commerce, fostering economic growth and job creation.

. Cultural Heritage: The King has been a strong advocate for the preservation and promotion of Spain’s rich cultural heritage, including its art, literature, and architecture.

. Social Welfare: King Felipe VI has demonstrated a deep commitment to social welfare, supporting initiatives that benefit the most vulnerable members of Spanish society.

Controversies and Criticisms

However, King Felipe VI’s reign has not been without controversy. Critics have pointed to:

. Corruption Allegations: The King’s father, King Juan Carlos I, has been embroiled in corruption scandals, including allegations of embezzlement and money laundering.

. Royal Family’s Wealth: The Spanish royal family’s vast wealth, estimated to be in the billions, has sparked debate about the monarchy’s relevance in modern Spain.

. Lack of Transparency: The royal family’s financial dealings have been criticized for lacking transparency, sparking concerns about accountability and good governance.

International Relations

As the head of state, King Felipe VI has played a crucial role in strengthening Spain’s relationships with other nations. He has:

. Fostered European Unity: King Felipe VI has been a strong proponent of European integration, working to strengthen ties between Spain and its European partners.

. Promoted Latin American Ties: The King has nurtured Spain’s historical bonds with Latin America, fostering cooperation and cultural exchange between nations.


A Modern Monarch for a New Era

King Felipe VI of Spain embodies the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. With his dedication to public service, commitment to social welfare, and passion for promoting Spanish culture, he has earned the respect and admiration of the Spanish people. However, the controversies surrounding the royal family serve as a reminder that even the most revered institutions must adapt to the changing times and address the concerns of their people. As the Spanish monarchy looks to the future, King Felipe VI stands as a beacon of hope, guiding his nation toward a brighter tomorrow.

The Rule of Male Succession

In the past, the Spanish monarchy operated under a system of male-preference cognatic primogeniture, which meant that only males could inherit the throne. This meant that King Felipe VI’s older sisters, Infanta Elena and Infanta Cristina, were not eligible to inherit the throne, despite being older than him.

This rule was enshrined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, which stated that the throne would pass to the monarch’s sons and daughters, but with a preference for males. This meant that even if the monarch had daughters, they would be bypassed in favor of a male heir.

The Change in the Rules

However, in 2009, the Spanish government passed a law that abolished the male-preference cognatic primogeniture system, allowing for equal succession rights for males and females. This change was made to bring the Spanish monarchy in line with modern values of gender equality.

As a result of this change, King Felipe VI’s daughter, Leonor, the Princess of Asturias, is now the heir apparent to the Spanish throne. She will inherit the throne when her father passes away or abdicates, making her the first queen of Spain in her own right.

This change in the rules is a significant step forward for gender equality in the Spanish monarchy, and ensures that the throne will be passed down in a fair and equal manner, regardless of gender.

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Christine Azous

I love everything related to makeup, fashion, and art. My blog is a fusion of classical music, mental math. I share my passion on YouTube. Join my newsletter.