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A little about Christine’s Notes

Christine Calo
3 min readMar 29, 2019

~For those interested in Product Design, AI and Tech~

There seems to be so much product design and technology resources out there and it can be overwhelming knowing what is the best to learn from. The great thing about the digital age is we can learn from the best and so I’ve completed courses organised by those who are leading in their field. I’ve created notes for these courses which are essentially the equivalent to CliffsNotes or SparkNotes. Do you remember CliffsNotes or SparkNotes back in high school? They were the timesavers and lifesavers. They helped translate the indecipherable Shakespeare and they condensed those epic incomprehensible topics, making them easy to consume.

Initially I created these notes for myself to help retain the knowledge, they allow me to quickly skim through and remember key topics without having to go through the multitudes of lectures and labs. However, I’ve decided to share this knowledge with fellow designers or those interested in topics such as product design, AI and technology in general. These notes are for those who would like a little less noise and want to drill down to the best practices. I’ve recently become an aunt and have bought a few children’s books related to technology and space. I really love how the authors and illustrators have managed to simplify complicated topics. For complicated topics that may be intimidating to some, in particular AI, I’ve treated them in a similar way by simplifying them to make them more accessible.

Unexpectedly I’ve been approached by leading publications to have these notes published in their publication. Surprisingly one of my articles was picked up by Medium’s curators and was recommended to their readers throughout all their channels, although I removed it immediately from the metered paywall so the article could be open to all readers not just to those who pay a Medium subscription. I’ve also received a few random messages from people around the world saying thank you and how these notes have helped them which is a nice surprise. I hope these notes are useful to you as they have been to me and to others. I don’t expect anything in return, I’m a huge advocate for democratisation of learning. Education should be open to all, especially to the lovers of learning and to the voraciously curious.

About me

Hi, I’m Christine :) I’m a product designer who’s been in the digital field for quite some time and have worked at many different companies; from large companies (as large as 84,000 employees), to mid size and to very small startups still making a name for themselves. Despite having a lot of experience I’m a product designer who has a fear of suffering from the dunning-kruger effect and so I’m continuously trying to educate myself and I’m always searching for more light. I believe to be a great designer you need to constantly hone your skills especially if you are working in the digital space which is constantly in motion.

Product Design by Google

Part 1— Ideation & Validation

Part 2 — UX and UI

Part 3 — Design Sprint

Part 4 — Key Metrics

Microsoft — Introduction to AI

Part 1 — Machine Learning

Part 2 — Language and Communication

Part 3 — Computer Vision

Part 4 — Conversation as a Platform

IBM Watson — Chatbot Building Essentials (Still to come!)



Christine Calo

Striving to Create Tech Products that People Love — Lead Product Designer | Digital Art Director | Writer of Tech