24 Things I Learned at 24

Christine Do
4 min readDec 11, 2018


Just some things I picked up these past 24 years of being on earth. If I could go back in time and tell younger Christine anything, this would be it. Enjoy!

  1. The universe doesn’t always reward you for being good — be good anyway, because it feels good to be good and who doesn’t want to feel good? Be kind, because you never know what anyone is going through. A little bit of kindness goes a long way, always pass it forward any chance you get because it’ll come back to you in ways you could never imagine.
  2. Life really is way too short. Make the most out of what you got — or don’t. Either way, time still won’t stop and the world will still keep spinning.
  3. It is a truly wonderful thing to be alone and to enjoy your own company. There’s a true lightbulb moment when you realize that you’d rather spend time alone in your own space than to be out, about and most likely disoriented if you’re somewhat like me (Netflix + chicken nuggets at home alone on a Friday FTW!)
  4. Looks fade. This is a fact that you should always keep in your back pocket.
  5. Always try to understand and be empathetic. Think about it — if everyone took an effort to try to understand one another, wouldn’t this world be a little bit better off? We are all so quick to act and judge that we miss out on lessons, opportunities, and even rare friendships out of our fear of differences.
  6. Food is always a good idea. Don’t purposely deprive yourself! It’s OK to indulge sometimes (or all the time in my case). Oh oh!! And there is always room for ice cream, you’ll find it — don’t you worry.
  7. Your peace of mind should always be prioritized. Even if that means going back to see if you’ve locked your door, turned off your stove, or double (maybe triple) checking to see what time your flight is — do it. Always give yourself that peace and reassurance.
  8. No one knows about any of your insecurities but yourself.
  9. There is beauty in the small, simple things in life. So yes, stop to smell the roses.
  10. You can never control anyone or anything outside of yourself. Minimize worrying over things that you have 0 degree of control over.
  11. Learn to love without having to say it.
  12. Follow that gut feeling a.k.a. your educated intuition …don’t dismiss or doubt it so quickly. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times I thought to myself, “I knew I should’ve followed my initial thought!” At the very least, take the time to consider it, and reason with it.
  13. You don’t have to solve everyone’s problems. Sometimes people just don’t want to hear solutions. Be a shoulder for them to cry on, a hand to hold, and at the very least, an ear to listen.
  14. Some people won’t ever understand you, and that’s totally fine. Learn when to walk away if they don’t bring anything positive to your life. You do not owe anyone anything.
  15. SAVE YOUR MONEY. Please!!
  16. Laugh! Laugh more. Laugh often. Learn to laugh at yourself more — you can never take yourself too seriously. But also surround yourself with people who can make you laugh when you can’t do it yourself.
  17. I promise that you will trust again, love again, be happy again even after a really bad heartbreak. Heartbreak is one of life’s harshest lessons but if you can survive it, you’ll come out a wiser, better version of yourself. You may even find more reasons to love yourself.
  18. It’s ok to fuck up once in a while. I’d be shocked and very confused if you haven’t (please show me how?!). If you are wrong about something, you’ve got to be accountable for it. Own it. Learn from it. Don’t repeat the same mistake (because at that point, it’s considered sheer stupidity).
  19. Don’t let your past rob you of your future experiences. Your past no longer exists, your future is a mere projection. Just be. Take in the moment. What do you smell, taste, hear, see, feel? Take a deep breath, and remember — the present is really all you have.
  20. People will come and go — there’s really no true telling of when and how. Each person was put in your life for a reason. Some to be temporarily there, some permanently. Know the difference and never beg anyone to overstay, but also cherish them while you have them.
  21. Know thyself and love thyself!! Be self-aware. Put yourself first. Take care of your physical, mental, intellectual health. As RuPaul famously says, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?!” Can I get an Amen?
  22. The world is HUGE. If you can, travel, see the world, experience things you wouldn’t be able to do at home, try different foods and make friends wherever you go. It’ll make you much richer as a person. Your day-to-day problems won’t seem so big anymore.
  23. Life isn’t as linear as I thought. In fact, it probably looks like indecipherable scribbles of non-sense. The curves and bumps — a.k.a. the lessons, the heartaches, the triumphs and milestones are so worth living for. The important thing is to never stop and to keep on moving forward.
  24. You are worth it. You are so loved. There is only one unique version of you — and you were meant to be in this world.

