3 Branches of Government

Christine Johnson
3 min readFeb 28, 2018



There are 3 branches of government in the United States; Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial branch. Each branch has an important purpose. The legislative branch makes the laws that are set in place. The executive branch helps to enforce these laws. Finally, the judicial branch applies the laws to certain cases in the court. In this paper, I will be discussing each branch of government further.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative branch is made up of Congress, which includes, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each of the 50 states has 2 people in the senate who are chosen by the citizens on election day. In total there are 435 members in the House of Representatives. A state’s population determines how many representatives that state is given. For example, for a state with more people, they are given more representatives. The members of the House and Senate work within their separate organizations to make up laws.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is made up of the President, Vice President, and cabinet members, also known as the president’s advisers. Law enforcement also falls under this branch of government. The purpose of this branch is to make sure that the laws put in place are being followed. Along with enforcing laws, this branch also gives the president the power to sign a bill into law or veto one as well, which means to say no.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. The Supreme Court includes 9 members; one Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. It is also the highest court in the United States. The job of the Judicial Branch is to interpret or define the meaning of certain laws and apply it to cases that come to the Supreme Court. From there, the justices use this information to determine if the party or individual within each case has broken the law.


In conclusion, the 3 branches of government make us what we are today as a country. Without them, there would be no laws. Without laws, there would be chaos.

These links below are the picture used in this document:





This link gives more information the branches of government:


