A Life Forever Changed: A Story of Fibroid Removal (Part 2)

Christine Garvin, MA, NE, RWP
3 min readMar 4, 2019

Read Part 1 here.

Photos taken 1.5 weeks apart — day of 1st surgery on left, at home “recovering” on right

It wasn’t long before the only way the Lady’s body could get any rest was by getting up four times a night for the hottest of showers, and her mother rubbing muscle ointment multiple times a day on her back and the side of her swollen belly. Calls were made to the place with the specialization, but simple responses were given that did not aid in her healing.

Finally, the day arrived that one of the incisions from the procedure had raised, and the Lady knew intuitively there was an infection. Even then, she was guided by the place-with-the-specialization that it was probably just scar tissue forming. But after sleeping not a wink that night, she trudged along with her mother to the manor’s clinic first thing the next morning.

After the usual initial tests, the kindly doctor came into the room, looked straight into her eyes, and said, “I need you to go directly to the ER. Please do not go anywhere else beforehand. I’m going to call them now to let them know you are coming.”

Tears poured from the Lady’s eyes; this was the first moment she realized something was



Christine Garvin, MA, NE, RWP

Functional Health Coach specializing in women’s hormones and gut health. http://christinegarvin.com, Instagram: @christinegarvin