How to Grow your Mompreneur Business this Summer in 3 Easy Steps

Christine Parma
Marketing And Growth Hacking
5 min readJun 7, 2017

Summer can be a chaotic and overwhelming time for Mompreneurs like you and me. You’re juggling an irregular schedule filled with family vacations, visitors and summer camps.

So if you’re both a mom and an entrepreneur, how can you actually grow your business this summer without missing out on all the summer fun?

I’m going to tell you exactly how to do it in 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Choose one main project or big goal for summer.

Having goals is important, but your big ambitions can cause you to scatter your energy too much if you’re trying everything under the sun to make your business grow quickly. Too many goals and too many things vying for your attention quickly leads to massive overwhelm, frustration and, often, unnecessary failure.

In order to create quick forward momentum and growth — especially with shortened summer work hours — you need to focus your time, energy and efforts on making ONE main project or goal happen this summer.

I call it your One Big Goal.

But how do you know which goal is the right one?

Follow this process to simple find the goal you should set your sights on achieving this summer:

  1. Make a short list of the goals you’d like to make happen this summer.
  2. Then determine the pay-off for each one by answering these questions: (a) How specifically will that goal help grow your business? and (b) What’s the big benefit or result you get when you achieve the goal?
  3. Next assess what skills or resources do you need to make it happen — and how easy or difficult will it be to obtain the ones you don’t yet have. Don’t choose a goal that requires you to master a difficult skill first… because you probably won’t have the time to do that and grow your business this summer.
  4. Now, pick the winner. Choose the goal or project which benefits you and your business the most without requiring a long learning curve.

Step 2: Identify the actions that support making your One Big Goal happen

Once you’ve picked your one big goal for your business this summer, you need to identify the actions you need to take or activities you need to do in order to reach your goal, plus any associated deliverables.

Keep in mind that when you’re listing everything out, you may start to feel a little overwhelmed. Your list may end up being really long.

Take a deep breath and relax.

I’m going to share the secret to taming an unruly to-do list.

It’s called prune, prioritize and systemize.

  1. You need to prune away the tasks that are “nice-to-have’s” and stick with the ones that are truly critical steps.
  2. Then, decide which ones are need to happen first. Which activities will make the biggest difference in your business in the least amount of time?
  3. Last, you’ll systemize as many of the activities as possible. For example, if Facebook livestreaming is one of the activities you identified that needs to happen to help grow your email list and get clients, you’ll want to create systems and processes around what you need to do before, during and after each broadcast to maximize each video’s reach and impact. That way you’ll always know what to do and it makes delegating the task to someone else a breeze!

Even after you’ve pruned, prioritized and systemized the activities to reach your One Big Goal, things may still feel a bit chaotic and haphazard when it comes to implementation.

That’s where step number 3 comes in…

Step 3: Create a plan that helps you focus on taking the right actions this summer.

You need to create a plan that helps you focus on consistently taking the right actions this summer. Your plan is the roadmap for you to get from where you are to where you want to be.

A strategic plan also helps you invest your precious time and energy into the things where you’ll see the highest returns.

To create your plan, take the activities that remain on your list, put them in logical order and them schedule them in your calendar.

You’ll include the activities that you need to do each week to grow your business, plus the special one-off actions.

And, here’s a special tip for both growing your business and having a ton of fun this summer…

Your plan should include not only the business activities that will help you reach your One Big Goal, but it should also include your personal non-negotiables

You know, those things that feed your soul and make you happy, like playing with your kids, going to yoga class or taking a family vacation.

Put it into action!

I’ve put together a free 7-day online challenge specifically designed to help Mompreneurs grow their businesses this summer… while taking time off to have family fun.

It’s called the Summer Bliss Business Challenge for Mompreneurs. I’ve designed the challenge to walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your very own 60-day Summer Bliss Plan.

You’ll know exactly where you need to focus your time and energy to create rapid growth, how to create the time in your calendar to work on your business and how to balance it all with spending with your family…

… because you shouldn’t have to choose between having a profitable business and doing what matters most to you.

Simply click here to sign up for the Summer Bliss Business Challenge now.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Hi! I’m Christine.

I help ambitious mama entrepreneurs build profitable businesses without working 24/7, missing out on precious family time or sacrificing what matters most to them. Step by step I show them how to create the time and systems they need so they can do what they love, get paid what they’re worth and be amazing moms, too… because you shouldn’t have to choose between spending time with the ones you love and making your dreams happen.

Ready to make your life and business work for you, Mama? Learn more about what we can do together.

Originally published at



Christine Parma
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Intuitive Business + Life Coach | Spiritual Explorer | Smart strategies + powerful mindset + spiritual principles = soul-aligned success + a joyful life.