Thanksgiving Tips and Ideas: What to include and what not to include in your meal plan

Maddison Rowe
3 min readSep 29, 2022


Thanksgiving is a special time of year, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate with family and friends. However, don’t forget about your diet! Not all turkey is created equal, and you want to make sure you’re getting all the healthy things that will help your body and mind feel good. Here are some tips for how to make sure you have a great Thanksgiving without breaking the bank: ● include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your meal plan

● avoid fried foods and processed foods

● get plenty of fiber from whole grains

● include protein in your meal plan

● include plenty of antioxidants in your diet

● serve up some hot food rather than just cold ones

Thanksgiving is a Special Day to Enjoy some Delicious Recipes.

Some delicious Thanksgiving recipes include:

-Pecan Pie: This classic Thanksgiving dish is a simple and easy recipe that requires no additional ingredients. Just mix together some all-purpose flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and milk in a bowl, and then bake the pie in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes.

-Sausage and Potato Pie: This easy but delicious pie features sausage mixed with diced potatoes and green onions for an extra bit of flavor. It’s perfect for a quick dinner or to serve as a side dish at an event.

-Turkey Breast Stew with Honeydew Custard: This hearty stew is made with turkey breasts seasoned with black pepper, thyme, and honey before being cooked in a creamy gravy until tender. The addition of honeydew custard makes it even more delicious.

-Cranberry Sauce Course: This course includes two recipes: One is made with cranberry sauce ingredients and the other is a simple stuffing recipe that doesn’t require any added ingredients. Both dishes are perfect for Thanksgiving Day meals or special occasions.

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without any trouble.

If you have a Thanksgiving dinner planned, make sure to include at least one main dish that you can prepare in advance. This way, there won’t be any trouble trying to find a meal that meets your dietary needs. For example, if you’re planning on serving Thanksgiving dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, make sure to have some pre-made mashed potatoes and gravy on hand.

How to Make Thanksgiving Dinnertable staples without any trouble

Another easy way to have Thanksgiving dinner without any fuss is by making some of the common staples like stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pie. By cooking these dishes ahead of time, you won’t have to spend hours in the kitchen preparing them and they will taste just as good as if you had made them fresh.

How to easily Have Thanksgiving dinner without any fuss

One last tip for enjoying your holiday meal? Serve it up quickly! No need for long hours in the kitchen trying to create a perfect dish! Just put everything together including all of your ingredients and presto! Your meal is ready in no time — perfect for those who are looking for an easy and quick way to enjoy their holiday traditions.

Thanksgiving Tips and Ideas.

One of the most important aspects of a successful Thanksgiving dinner is making sure you have everything you need. This includes ingredients for your chili, stuffing, and pie recipes, as well as all the?」 necessary dishes to serve up a delicious meal. To make things easier, follow these tips:

1. Research what ingredients are needed to make your dish and what ones will work best together.

2. Make Ahead Your Recipe If You Dare: Thanksgiving is a busy time, so don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Planning ahead can help save you time and money.

3. Get organized: Once you have the ingredients list ready, start mixing and matching dishes according to your preferences and needs.


Thanksgiving is a special day to enjoy delicious recipes and get together with family and friends. However, there are many ways to enjoy Thanksgiving without having any trouble. By following these tips, you can make the most of your holiday season. Thanks for reading!



Maddison Rowe