Chris Sammis
3 min readFeb 2, 2020

Why are INFJs and INTJs so rare?

This is an interesting question posted on Quora years ago, and there seems to be only surface answers. I try and answer the question to its root.

Here’s the link to view other’s answers: Why are INTJ and INFJ so rare?

I agree with the posted answers, but it’s a narrow time-frame assumption. When our hierarchy developed, we lacked the language and expectations that show in recorded history. What matters was nature’s selection. Assuming that Function-stacks received an equal opportunity, this means: Did their genetics survive to create offspring, paying attention to their environment better than others — while following the herd’s protection?

These questions focus on the physical — did the body survive. Nature doesn’t care how you think or feel. Action ruled this time frame. The herd adds layers of selection from the female need for survival: “Play nice with others, while pulling resources, so the herd avoids making things worse.”

Short-term cooperation was the key.

INFJ: If the dominant person, being male in our ancient history, fought to maintain ‘leadership’; they would want support in-the-form that INFJ’s bring to being: Honest love, extreme sacrifice, and long-term planning, so the children thrive. The dominant male focuses on the physical here-and-now, supporting, while his mate(s) scrutinize the female hierarchy for unrest.

Why are INFJ’s predominantly female and so rare? They need support from someone that protects, and coexists; while dispensing their gifts. Surviving until child-rearing, and protecting the children was harder for this personality compared to other female temperaments. Being a male INFJ added another layer of selection. INFJ males despise being physically dominant over others, so they failed to reach the top positions of the hierarchy.

INTJ: Why are INTJ’s usually male, and rare? Similar to INFJs, they must survive to create offspring. In opposition to INFJs, INTJs focus their perception on the framework, rebelling, scheming to change people’s positions. A Dominant male squishes this rebellion. The herd (hierarchy) demands obedience, otherwise predators, including other tribes, attack.

Constant anguish, anxiety, and depression, along with mental illness, add a layer of female selection. Females might choose to help an INTJ’s mental state, but child-rearing success demands competence.

Females favor harmonizing with others, to survive and receive support to have, and raise children. Do INTJ females receive support from the hierarchy, from any era? No, like their male counterparts, they fight their physical needs, the hierarchy, and their abstractions: Did I forget to eat again, failing to notice predators, and; Why am I being attacked by the ‘leaders’ for this obvious problem?

INTJ’s selection pressures are overwhelming compared to other personality types, and with the layering selection of females, INTJ’s often fail at life. What I mean by life is, coexisting, and being competent. Using Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration, some become useful to the hierarchy, but many fall into mental illness. Remember, nature selects for propagation.

In summary, INFJs and INTJs are the opposites of what nature and the hierarchy selects. Both types struggle in-the-moment, while ancient, and recent predatory selection looms. The INFJ population reduction was and is due to needing support (resources and safety), and available mates. INTJ selection pressures reduced their population because of rejection from the herd, in all forms, from reduced support from, and to females.

Biological needs, in modern times, are satisfied — compared to our ancient tree-dwelling ancestors. Modern hierarchies preemptively produce while diminishing the necessity to concentrate on the here-and-now, and outsourcing creation, we purchase what we need. INTJ’s and INFJ’s are the types that change the hierarchy, running into the most roadblocks in life. Society supports the INFJ’s and INTJ’s physical needs, but that ancient, genetic selection; based on hierarchical values, will persist.

Chris Sammis

I am progressing through writing my first novel, and I hope it becomes a timeless series that feels like they are living alongside the characters.