Solar Savings in Frankfort, IL: Costs & Benefits Explained

Christopher Howardd
10 min readFeb 8, 2024


Discover the latest on Frankfort, IL solar savings, costs, rebates, and incentives. Maximize your investment with our expert solar power insights.

Are you a resident of Frankfort, Illinois, catching onto the solar buzz that’s lighting up conversations from coffee shops to community meetings? In the Land of Lincoln, solar energy isn’t just a trend; it’s an evolution in how we power our lives, with economic implications as bright as the sun itself. As the green canopy of your neighborhood becomes interlaced with glints of solar panels, understanding the financial ins and outs of harnessing solar power has never been more critical. It’s a journey of kilowatts that could lead to a treasure trove of savings! Let’s unlock the potential of solar energy together, exploring the investment landscape, deciphering the costs, and bathing in the warm glow of potential savings that solar power offers right here in Frankfort.

Get Solar Quote in Frankfort

Considering going solar in Frankfort, Illinois? Every home is unique, and so is your potential solar setup. A personalized solar quote takes into account your specific energy needs, roof space, and financial goals. To navigate the financial landscape of solar incentives and rebates effectively, it’s crucial to consult with a solar expert. They’ll provide you with a tailored plan, ensuring your transition to solar is both smooth and economically advantageous. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make an informed decision that’s right for you — seek a personalized consultation today!

Understanding the Cost of Solar in Frankfort

When considering solar panel installation in Frankfort, Illinois, it’s important to understand the initial costs involved. Let’s break these down:

- Solar Panels: The cost of the panels themselves significantly varies depending on the technology and brand, but on average, homeowners might pay between $2.50 and $3.50 per watt before incentives. Given that a typical home installation ranges from 5 kW to 7 kW, you’d be looking at a gross cost of around $12,500 to $24,500 for the panels.

- Inverters: Inverters are crucial for converting the DC electricity generated by the panels into AC electricity that can be used in your home. A good quality inverter, which might last around 10–15 years, could add approximately $1,000 to $3,000 to your overall cost.

- Installation and Labor: Labor costs can also add up. In Frankfort, depending on the complexity of the system and accessibility of your roof, installation might cost between $1,000 to $5,000.

- Additional Expenses: Don’t forget potential additional expenses, such as permits and inspections required by local governments, which could range from a few hundred dollars to upwards of a thousand. Electrical upgrades, if needed, and the cost of mounting hardware can also affect the total.

Bear in mind that the state of Illinois offers incentives such as the Adjustable Block Program and the Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) market, which can help offset some initial costs. Moreover, you may qualify for the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC), which, as of the year 2024, allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.

All in all, while the upfront cost may seem steep, these incentives and the long-term energy savings demonstrate the economic allure of going solar in the Frankfort market. Plus, considering Illinois’ climate and solar potential, solar panel systems can be quite efficient year-round, leading to significant savings on electric bills.

Long-Term Savings and ROI

Homeowners in Frankfort, Illinois, embarking on the solar journey can anticipate substantial long-term savings. The sun-drenched state of Illinois offers plenty of opportunities to harness solar energy effectively, but what does this mean for your wallet?

Firstly, reduced utility bills form the cornerstone of savings. By generating your own power through solar panels, you’ll rely less on the electric grid. Not only does this reduce your monthly payments, but as utility rates tend to rise, your savings could grow each year. For example, if you currently pay $150 per month for electricity, you might save thousands of dollars over the 25–30 year lifespan of your solar panel system.

Moreover, solar installations are known to bolster property values. As green homes become more desirable, properties with solar panels often fetch higher prices on the market. Zillow found that homes with solar sell for about 4% more on average.

On top of this, Illinoisans can benefit from the option to sell excess energy back to the grid through net metering. This isn’t just good for the planet — it’s smart economics. With a grid-tied system, when your panels produce more electricity than you need, that extra energy isn’t wasted. Instead, you can receive credits from your utility company, further cutting down future utility bills or even earning you some income.

In summary, solar power in Frankfort isn’t just about clean energy — it’s an investment that pays dividends in reduced utility bills, higher home resale values, and the potential financial return of net metering, all accumulating to significant savings over time.

Incentives and Rebates in Frankfort

Homeowners in Frankfort, Illinois, can harness a suite of financial incentives that make transitioning to solar not only eco-friendly but also wallet-friendly. Here’s how you can save on your solar investment:

- Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): As of 2024, you can claim 26% of your total solar installation costs, including both equipment and labor, from your federal taxes. This incentive is set to decrease in the coming years, so it’s wise to capitalize on it now.

- Illinois Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs): By producing solar energy, you earn SRECs, which you can then sell to utilities. This process serves as an ongoing income stream to offset the initial costs.

- Illinois Shines Incentive Program: Subsidies under this program offer upfront discounts on your installation costs. The amount is determined by the capacity of your system and is directly deducted by the installer, simplifying the process.

- Property Tax Exemption: Illinois has waved a magic wand over potential property tax increases due to solar installations. Your property taxes won’t budge, despite the added home value from your panels.

- Net Metering: With net metering, excess electricity you generate can be sold back to the grid. This turns your meter backwards, crediting your bills and boosting your overall return on investment.

A real-world example in Frankfort could be this: After installing a 5kW system costing around $15,000, the ITC alone can reduce your expense by $3,900. Add the Illinois-specific incentives, and you’re looking at an even more affordable leap into solar energy. Plus, over time, your energy savings continue to grow, making solar not only sustainable for the planet but also for your finances.

Remember that eligibility for some programs may depend on specific criteria, so it’s essential to review the details or consult a local solar expert to maximize your savings.

The Impact of Solar on Property Values in Frankfort

In Frankfort, Illinois, homeowners who decide to install solar panels can often look forward to an increase in their property’s resale value. While the exact boost in home value can vary, a study conducted by Zillow found that on average, homes with solar energy systems sell for about 4.1% more than comparable homes without solar across the United States. In the context of Frankfort, with its median home value being around $350,000 in 2024, a solar panel installation could potentially add about $14,350 to the resale value of a typical home.

Moreover, Illinois’ solar-friendly policies and incentives make the state an advantageous market for solar investments. For example, the Illinois Shines incentive program offers Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) that generate income for solar system owners over a 15-year period, appealing to buyers looking for homes with established energy savings.

It is also worth mentioning that homes with solar panels often attract environmentally conscious buyers and those looking to reduce future utility costs. This factor stands out in the property market, potentially leading to shorter listing times and a higher perceived home value. As solar adoption grows, Frankfort homeowners may find that investing in solar power not only reduces their carbon footprint and utility bills but can also be a smart financial decision when it comes time to sell.

Payback Period and Break-Even Point

The “payback period” in solar investments refers to the time it takes for the savings from your solar panel system to equal the initial installation costs. Essentially, it’s when you break even. The shorter the payback period, the quicker you’re essentially ‘earning’ from your investment.

To calculate your own payback period in Frankfort, Illinois, you’ll want to:

1. Add up the total upfront costs of your solar installation, including equipment and labor.
2. Estimate the annual energy production in kilowatt-hours (kWh) your solar setup will generate. In Illinois, an average solar panel system might produce between 150–200 kWh per installed kW capacity annually due to the state’s sunlight availability.
3. Look at your current electricity rates. In Frankfort, the average electric rate might be around $0.13 per kWh (this figure can vary, please check the most recent data).
4. Estimate your annual savings by multiplying your annual energy production (from step 2) by your electricity rate (from step 3).
5. Divide your total upfront costs (from step 1) by your annual savings (from step 4).

For instance, if your system costs $15,000 to install and you save $1,500 on your electric bill annually, your payback period would be 10 years.

Remember to account for possible solar incentives and rebates, like the Federal Solar Tax Credit, which can significantly reduce your initial cost and therefore shorten the payback period.

Financing Solar Installations in Frankfort

In Frankfort, Illinois, homeowners have multiple financing options at their disposal for going solar, each with its distinct advantages and potential drawbacks.

- Solar Loans:
— *Pros*: Solar loans allow you to own your solar panel system outright. You can benefit from federal and state tax credits, local incentives, and increased property value. Moreover, once the loan is paid off, you have free electricity for the life of the system.
— *Cons*: Upfront costs can be high, and you’re responsible for maintenance. Plus, if solar panel efficiency decreases over time, you may need additional investments.

- Solar Leases:
— *Pros*: There’s little to no upfront cost and you’re not responsible for maintenance — the leasing company handles it. Leases can provide a stable, predictable electricity cost over time.
— *Cons*: You’re not eligible for tax credits and incentives as the system is not owned by you. Additionally, a lease can complicate matters when selling your home.

- Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs):
— *Pros*: Like leases, PPAs offer low upfront costs and shift maintenance responsibilities to the provider. They allow you to pay for the power generated, often at a lower rate than the utility company’s.
— *Cons*: Savings are usually less than if you own the system. You forfeit tax incentives to the system owner, and long-term contracts can be inflexible.

When weighing these options, consider how they will impact the economics of your solar investment. Will the immediate savings of a lease or PPA outweigh the long-term benefits of system ownership? What about the pace at which utility prices are rising in Illinois? It’s essential to reflect on these questions and consult a solar expert to understand the nuances of each financing option in the context of Illinois’ solar policies and incentives for 2024.

Understanding Solar Panel Degradation

Solar panel degradation is the gradual loss of a panel’s ability to produce electricity over time. In Frankfort, Illinois, as in other places, this natural process is a key factor in determining the long-term economics of investing in solar energy. But how much does it really impact your savings?

Typically, solar panels degrade at a rate of about 0.5% to 0.8% per year. Let’s put that into perspective with a real-world example:

- Imagine you installed a solar system that initially produces 10,000 kWh annually.
- With a conservative degradation rate of 0.5%, your system’s production would drop by about 50 kWh each year.

This slow reduction is already considered by financial models forecasting the system’s savings. So, if you’re calculating the return on investment in Frankfort, this degradation rate is factored in, ensuring that your savings estimates remain accurate over the 25 to 30-year lifespan of your panels.

Financially savvy homeowners in Illinois often leverage state-specific incentives alongside the calculated degradation rate to maximize their investments. The bottom line is, even with degradation, solar panels in Frankfort can provide substantial savings over their lifetime.


In Frankfort, Illinois, embracing solar power is an investment that can yield substantial long-term savings. Despite upfront costs, homeowners can take advantage of various state incentives and federal tax credits to offset installation expenses. Over time, the reduction in monthly electricity bills compounds, potentially saving thousands of dollars. Added to this is the increase in home value that typically follows a solar installation. Moreover, the environmental benefits are clear: transitioning to renewable energy reduces your carbon footprint, contributing to a healthier planet. In the sunny climate of Frankfort, the potential for solar is particularly promising, making it an economically and environmentally wise choice for residents looking to make a positive impact while also securing their financial future.

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