2 min readJul 1, 2015
J1 and J2 visa travel insurance

4 Frequently Asked Questions on J1 and J2 Visa Travel Insurance

  1. What is a J1 Visa Travel Insurance?

Typically, J1 visas are issued to college students, business trainees or primary or secondary school teachers who are looking forwards to mark their presence in exchange events organized internationally.

Although, visas are issued by the government, there is no provision for any kind of insurance. Therefore, it is important for students to apply for travel visa while travelling abroad to visit these exchange programs.

2. What is a J2 Visa Travel Insurance?

J2 visas are generally issued to children of age below 21 and spouse of a J1 visa holder. The child is insured up to an age of 21, after which he/she is not applicable for applying to a J2 visa.

It is very important to insure the dependents in the case of a J1 visa holder, since any medical emergency can befall upon the children and medical expenses can strain your budget to great measures.

3. Where to Apply for a J1 and J2 Visa Travel Insurance?

There are several online portals that offer J1 and J2 visa insurance to the general public. These companies offer a variety of services under their travel insurance packages including medical claim, baggage claim etc. You can simply browse the services of these companies to find the one that suits to your specifications and the budget.

4. What is covered in the Travel Insurance for J1 and J2 Visas?

Travel insurance for your J1 and J2 visa will cover nearly everything from medical claims to baggage claims and from travel insurance to transportation. Insurance companies also take responsibility of transporting you back to home if in case your medical condition worsens and proper treatment is available only back home.

J1 and J2 visa travel insurance is indeed important for any exchange student who wishes to travel abroad to attend exchange programs. It safeguards the trip and also provides sufficient cover for any medical emergency that might come in the way.
