Scaling Applications with AWS Auto Scaling: Ensuring High Availability

Christopher Adamson
6 min readSep 4, 2023

As applications grow and usage increases, it becomes critical to scale computing resources to maintain performance and availability. AWS Auto Scaling allows automatically adding or removing EC2 instances based on demand, ensuring your application can handle traffic spikes without disruption.

What is AWS Auto Scaling?

AWS Auto Scaling monitors your EC2 instances and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. It enables automatic launching or terminating of EC2 instances based on user-defined policies, schedules, and health checks.

Key Benefits of Auto Scaling:

High Availability

A key benefit of Auto Scaling is maintaining high availability of your application even with disruptions or spikes in traffic. Here are some ways Auto Scaling provides high availability:

· Automatic Replacement of Impaired Instances — Auto Scaling groups can continuously monitor the health of each instance with health checks. If an instance fails these checks, indicating an impairment, Auto Scaling will automatically terminate it and launch a replacement instance. This ensures impaired instances are automatically replaced to maintain performance.

· Automatic Recovery from Failed Instances — If an EC2 instance faces an irrecoverable failure and terminates for any reason, the Auto Scaling group will launch a fresh instance to replace it. This automated recovery helps minimize downtime.

· Spreading Instances Across Zones — Auto Scaling groups can distribute instances across multiple Availability Zones within a region. This way, your application remains available even if one zone goes down. The instances in other zones will continue serving traffic.

· Smoothly Absorbing Traffic Spikes — When demand spikes, Auto Scaling can rapidly launch new instances to maintain performance and availability. Auto Scaling helps your app gracefully handle traffic surges without disruption.

· Lower Risk of Overload — Auto Scaling reduces the risk of overloading your existing instances by dynamically adding capacity as needed. It helps avoid bottlenecks that can make apps unresponsive.

By leveraging health checks, auto recovery, and automated capacity expansion, Auto Scaling provides high availability that dynamically adapts to your workload’s needs and any disruptions. This ensures a smooth, uninterrupted experience for your users.

Improved Fault Tolerance

Auto Scaling improves the fault tolerance of applications by automatically replacing any failed or unhealthy instances. Some ways it enhances fault tolerance:

· Replacing Failed Instances — If an EC2 instance terminates unexpectedly due to hardware failure or a system error, Auto Scaling detects the termination and launches a replacement instance automatically. This prevents downtime.

· Terminating Unhealthy Instances — If instances start acting abnormal, Auto Scaling can detect this via health checks and terminate the unhealthy instance, launching a replacement. This automatically weeds out and replaces faulty instances.

· Spot Instance Interruption Handling — If you use Spot Instances and they get interrupted, Auto Scaling can automatically relaunch replacement Spot Instances or On-Demand Instances to maintain capacity.

· Cross-Zone Instance Distribution — Spreading instances across multiple availability zones improves tolerance for zone failures. If one zone goes down, instances in other zones stay available.

· Automatic Recovery from Load Balancer Errors — If load balancer health checks fail, Auto Scaling will terminate the instance and launch a new one automatically, maintaining load balancer health.

By automatically detecting and replacing any failed or impaired instances, Auto Scaling reduces downtime risk and keeps your fleet and application resilient against inevitable failures. The automation makes your application tolerate faults gracefully without manual intervention. This improves reliability for your users.

Cost Savings

Auto Scaling helps lower costs by allowing you to automatically scale capacity up or down to precisely match demand. This prevents overspending on unused instances.

· Pay for Exact Capacity Needed — Auto Scaling allows you to scale out during traffic spikes when you need more capacity, and scale back in when demand drops. This means you only pay for the computing power you need.

· Optimized Use of Reserved Instances — Auto Scaling can launch Reserved Instances when you need base capacity and use On-Demand or Spot Instances for flexibility on top. This optimizes reserved instance use.

· Automated Scale In of Underused Instances — Auto Scaling can periodically scan for instances with low utilization and terminate them to stop paying for unused capacity. This eliminates waste.

· Lower Human Monitoring Cost — Since Auto Scaling automatically manages capacity, you avoid the need to manually monitor metrics and adjust capacity around the clock. This saves on human labor costs.

· Spot Instance Cost Savings — Auto Scaling allows using lower-cost Spot Instances, automatically falling back to On-Demand as needed. This takes advantage of Spot pricing when possible.

By proactively scaling capacity based on real-time demand, Auto Scaling ensures you pay for just the resources you need. The automation and optimization of Auto Scaling can lead to significant cloud cost savings.

Better Performance

By dynamically adding compute resources in response to increased load, Auto Scaling helps maintain high application performance and minimize slowdowns. Some ways it enhances performance:

· Swiftly Absorbing Traffic Spikes — When demand suddenly surges, Auto Scaling can rapidly launch new instances to handle the additional traffic without overload. This prevents slowdowns.

· Adding Capacity During Events — Auto Scaling can quickly scale out capacity for anticipated events like new product launches, avoiding potential overload scenarios.

· Scaling Based on Metrics — Auto Scaling can launch or terminate instances based on metrics like CPU utilization, request queues, or other custom metrics to maintain optimal performance.

· Leveraging Elastic Load Balancing — Auto Scaling groups work well with Elastic Load Balancing, which distributes incoming traffic across instances. Together, they maintain high performance.

· Optimizing Resources for Workload — Auto Scaling can use the ideal instance type, storage, and networking for your workload as it scales, preventing suboptimal resource use.

By proactively adjusting capacity based on demand, Auto Scaling reacts to workload changes in real-time to prevent performance issues. The automation helps maintain speed and responsiveness for your applications and users.

Using Auto Scaling Groups

Auto Scaling works through Auto Scaling groups which contain collections of EC2 instances defined by the user. The groups automatically scale capacity in and out based on conditions like traffic spikes.

Groups use Launch Configurations that specify instance properties like AMI, instance type, key pairs, security groups etc. Groups can scale across multiple availability zones to remain available even if one zone goes down. Here are some tips for using them effectively:

· Define Groups for Each Application Tier — Create separate Auto Scaling groups for each tier of your application like frontend, backend, databases etc. This allows custom scaling rules per tier.

· Use Launch Configurations — Create Launch Configurations that contain the EC2 image, instance type, storage, security groups etc. needed to launch instances in the group.

· Set Dynamic Scaling Policies — Define policies like “scale out by 2 instances if CPU > 60% for 2 minutes” to enable dynamic scaling based on demand.

· Schedule Anticipated Traffic Changes — Use scheduled scaling actions like “increase capacity by 20% every Monday at 9 am” for predictable spikes.

· Distribute Instances — Spread instances across multiple Availability Zones for high availability. Use optimized AZ distribution.

· Monitor with CloudWatch — Add Auto Scaling actions triggered by CloudWatch alarms when certain thresholds are crossed to scale proactively.

· Use Lifecycle Hooks — Lifecycle hooks can pause instances when launched or terminated to allow custom actions like deployments.

Auto Scaling groups are your main tool for automatically adjusting capacity in line with demand. Setting up appropriate groups, configurations, scaling policies and alarms will enable your application to stay performant, available and efficient.

Auto Scaling Strategies

There are various strategies to scale your resources automatically using AWS Auto Scaling:

Dynamic Scaling:

· Target Tracking Scaling — This automatically scales capacity to keep a metric like CPU utilization at or near a target value. This maintains optimal performance.

· Step Scaling — Increase or decrease capacity by a set amount based on CloudWatch alarms. For example, add 2 instances if CPU > 80% for 5 minutes.

· Simple/Step Scaling — Increase or decrease by a fixed number of instances. Simple but not as responsive as target tracking.

Predictive Scaling:

· Use machine learning to analyze historical data and forecast upcoming capacity needs. Scale ahead of predicted traffic changes.

· Great for cyclical changes like daily or seasonal patterns. Requires historical data.

Scheduled Scaling:

· Increase or decrease capacity on a set schedule, like weekdays vs weekends.

· Scale on a regular, fixed schedule for predictable fluctuations.

· Easy to set up and no monitoring needed.

Combining dynamic, predictive and scheduled scaling provides maximum responsiveness and optimization of infrastructure and costs. Adjust strategies based on your workload patterns.


AWS Auto Scaling provides automated scaling of capacity to maintain high availability, fault tolerance, optimal performance and cost efficiency. By leveraging Auto Scaling groups, scaling policies, load balancing, and CloudWatch alarms, applications can automatically launch or terminate EC2 instances based on real-time demand. This ensures they can gracefully handle traffic spikes and disruptions without manual intervention. Auto Scaling streamlines infrastructure management and enables running robust, resilient applications at any scale. It is a critical tool for delivering continuous availability and peak performance even as your apps grow. By mastering Auto Scaling groups and scaling strategies, companies can feel confident in providing a seamless experience for their users no matter the traffic.

