Filbert Johnsdottir
1 min readApr 18, 2016


When I finished reading this I thought ‘ this must be a work of fiction…this person demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about the men’s movement’. But then I googled the author’s name and discovered he is indeed real, and indeed a sociology Ph.D.

This left me scratching my head. First off, no one in the men’s movement teaches that white men are oppressed. If anything, the men’s movement seeks to reject the entire framework of oppressor and oppressed when it comes to gender.

The author mentions having read a little bit of a book by Warren Farrell, who is the founder of the modern men’s movement. Yet he demonstrates a total lack of understanding about what Farrell teaches. If he had been an actual Mra, he would know that Farrell completely rejects the notion that either gender oppresses the other. He would also know that Farrell also opposes traditional gender roles and encourages men to develop a greater emotional vocabulary.

Besides, what facts and figures did he discover feminism gets right and the mens movement gets wrong? Without having cited any specifics, it is hard to believe.

His description of the mens movement sounds like someone who has heard of the movement, but knows very little about it.

