#WhyWatch: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Christopher Bryan Garcia
3 min readJan 18, 2019


by: Christopher Bryan Garcia

Art by Angge Co


Cool Cool Cool! Noice Noice Noice!
-Jake Peralta

Many people have watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I didn’t give it out a try because I don’t know, sitcoms can be repetitive at times. Little did I know when I gave it a try that this is one show that I will grow attached because of its load of humor, mysteries and the tackling of real-life issues that made a show not just about laughing but it serves as a sitcom that presents itself with lessons we can all learn of. Pretty deep eh! “Pretty deep eh titled my last sex tape” ha-ha. Sorry for the B99 references and let’s get this review starting for you to know why this show should be in your watch list this 2019.

Short Synopysis

The story follows Jake Peralta who is a hotshot cop and arguably the best cop in the precinct probably because of his skill set among colleagues, little did he know, a new captain will arrive. He is Captain Raymond Holt who will show Peralta the ropes such as following the rules in being a respected role model and officer. Added up by Jake’s best-friend Boyle who is also his partner and rival Amy Santiago, a very competitive cop rising up the ranks. The show also features the Sergeant of the squad slash mama Terry, the bad-ass woman Rosa and the Amazing Gina. I’d love to add two more main characters, meh maybe next time we’ll introduce them hahaha.

The B99 Gang

Nothing hypes the audience other than seeing their favorite characters mesh well in the series itself. Jake Peralta is the main star and characters like Captain Raymond Holt adds up to the charisma and star power this cast provides. I really love how every scene of the gang are divided to give each other the spotlight and it gives a sense of backstory. At the end of the day, they have that get together feeling of what they accomplished as a team which is pretty dope. There are times that they focus on what they do at that moment and how every scene is always fun to watch and it never bores you. The show goes the extra mile to provide us funny content in every scene which you will try your best to not burst in laughter.

Packed with Episodes

Watch now and you get 5 seasons worth of Police Cop adventures, with 114 episodes and a new season with the NBC network picking it up when it was released by FOX. There are a lot of new things to expect in the upcoming season but you have a lot of episodes to enjoy and laugh on as we wait for the completion of the current season being broadcast today. I mean you can watch it and wait for the next episode because there are plenty of content for you to start. It’s #BingeTime I guess.

The More You Watch, The More You Become Like Them

With every episode, the more my detective skills got better. Before I let the show solve the mysteries themselves and as more seasons go by, I became somehow a police officer/viewer that thinks of ways on how to solve the cases or puzzles in the show. It’s a really invigorating way in watching things as you yourself could see your growth just from watching this sitcom.


If you live outside the US, A lot of providers in the streaming industry provides access to millions of shows and Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a part of it.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the best comedy TV shows you could ever find. If you like sitcoms in general or some good old buddy cop action comedy. Brooklyn Nine-Nine will keep you company for a long long while. A BRILLIANT AND SMART COMEDY. TWO THUMBS!

Thumbnail used: Crediting it to Angge Co and her amazing work. Check out more of her creations at https://www.artstation.com/anggeco



Christopher Bryan Garcia

Former Writer / Senior Editor at the Innovator. Does human emotion interest you?